Stockholm, National Library, Engströms samling, n:o 61. Magnus Eriksson’s Stadslag
Magnus Eriksson's Stadslag
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XVI 2/2 (1590?)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
National Library
Engströms samling, n:o 61
National Library
Engströms samling, n:o 61
Stockholm, National Library, Engströms samling, n:o 61. Magnus Eriksson’s Stadslag
Saec. XVI
, 2
(?)Magnus Eriksson
's Stadslag
Fols. –: . The text
has similarities with that in
’s Stadslagen
Stockholm, National Library, Rålambs
samling 4
, until o
medh vilia
, at which point the text follows a different exemplar. Ed.
Schlyter 1865, 3–400
(Index, 1–25) Huru borgmestare och
Konungs Balcker. Nv thå Burgmestare och ...
... (chap. 26) huru the wilia medh them göra. Gifftomåla Balk.
(Index, 1–18) Hwilkom lundom
man skall ...
Första capitel. Nw wil man sigh kwnu bidia
... (chap. 18) koster ägher till Räkenskap gånga. Erffda Balken Tafflan.
(index, 1–21) Nw door
byamen huru bryst ...
Första Capitel. Dör bonde eller hustru och ...
... (chap. 21) thet barn döör, och icke till then som
... sitt vt in 20. cap. Här effther fölier Jorda Balken.
Jorda Balks tafflan.
(Index, 1–17) Hwru
arffda godz skall ...
Första Capitel. Nw wil nåkor tompt sina ...
... (chap. 17) the aff honom hörde. Thetta capitell
pläger wara een almenneligh ... ... han sielff är beslaghen
medh. Tafflan på bygninga Balken.
(Index, 1–23) Twe men skulo wara i hwariom ...
Första Capitel. Twe men skulo wara i hwariom ...
... Norra och Södra wari lagh samma. Endan på Bygninga Balken. Köpmåla Balken Tafflan.
(Index, 1–31) Um lössöra köp kläder ...
... skule korn
köpa. (note) Thenna Balck eller lagh om ... dichtatt wara och driffuas. Förste Capitell. Alt thet man köper få klöffuat ...
... (chap. 31) arffuodhis fore konunge och Staden. Här ändas Köpmåla Balken. 1590. Skipmåla Balken Tafflan
1–19) Hwru man skall godz ...
Hwilken man till Staden komber ...
(chap. 19) Twå å huar thera wägna. Endan på Skipmåla Balken.
Rådstuffwu Balker.
(Index, 1–34) Hwru mongh
målsman må kära å ...
Ey må man flere mål kära ...
... (chap.
35) i torn läggia eller I Stadzens gömo. τελωσ.
Edzöres Balken Tafflan.
(Index, 1–25) Nw
gonger man heem til androm ...
Förste Capitel. Ridher man heem ått androm ...
... (chap. 25) han mista högra hand sina. Thetta
capitell handlar huru ... lyff och lössöra. En ny Statuter. Åran
äffter Gudz byrdh 1407 San
cte Katherine dagh ... konungx hämpd och wredhe.
Endan på Edzöris Balken. 1590.
(Index, 1–11), Vm man eller kona
mörder ... Förste Capitel. Mörder nu nåker man annan ...
... (chap. 11) stadhen miste huffwodh sitt. Endhan på högmåla
Dråpmåla medh wilia Tafflan.
(Index, 1–15) Um the dråp man gör mz wilia ... Första Capitel. Nw draper man annan med ...
... (chap. 15) ther dräpin ligge twägilder. Finis. Dråp medh wårdha Tafflan.
(Index, 1–17). Hwru mong hwg till wåda skulo ...
Förste Capitel. Nw hugger man ått annan oc ...
... (chap. 17) wari sigh siälffuer tridhie. Såramåll medh wilia.
(Index, 1–21) Nw will
man annan till såra binda ...
Um nåkor will annan ...
... (chap. 22)
honom göra och han kan thera nådhe fåå. Här ändas Såramål mz
Såramåll medh wådha.
(Index, 1–8) Um man
kan fåå hogga annan ... Förste Capitel. Hugger man åt andrum ...
... (chap. 8) edhum och orkar ey botum. 1590. Tiufua Balker.
(Index, 1–20) Uill man
sigh tiuffnadh aff handum ...
Första Capitel. Uarder tiuffnader nokrom ...
... (chap. 20) Nu orkar hwargen thera botum. Dobblara Balker. Hwar som doblar öffuer ...
... och Stadenum till Twäskiptes. (fols. 106v–107v are
blank). (; cf.
Olaus Petri
’s Domarereglor
Hesselman (ed.) 1917,
) Domare Balken.
Een domare skall först
besinna ath ... ... meera macht opå. Oräth Sachöra gör ingen
herra rijck. Men lag och rätt är herrens priis. (119v is blank).
(Mayor’s oath
from 1599) Borgmæstere Eden som giordes på Stockholms Rådstugw Anno Domini 1599
. Så
beder iagh migh gudh tilhielpe hans heliga ordh ... ... lyff
och siääl som iag sant säger. (An oath for scribes) Kämnere och
stadzskrifwere Eden.
Jagh beder migh så gudh hielpe han helige ordh ...
... hielpe bade til lyff och siääl.
(– are blank). [–] () ... Thette effter
ähr vthdragitt uthaf then gambla laghen aff Peder
Andersson widh Söder post i Stockholm till förståndige mäns förbettring Anno 1557
... ... ene slechtenne till then andra. (fols.
– are blank) Thetta
ähr then heederlige och höglärde mans her Niels Cnutzons dom om ketterij ... (fols.
– are blank)Fols. –: A text on morning gifts (in a hand
saec. XVII
, printed in
in Stockholm) and Stockholm
’s privileges
from 1636
.Effter thet att Morgongåffwor
är ett sådant Edle klenod ...
Cap. 1 Hwad Morgongåfua ähr, och hwar uthi ...
... efter sillfuer eller peninga thali. (fols.
– are blank) (Queen
Kristina’s privileges for Stockholm 1636) Stadsens Privilegia
utaff hennes Maij
Wy Christina medh Gudz ...
... Slått Stockholm den 20(?) Martij Anno 1636
f: Christina Staden Stockholm
gifne och öfuer lefuereradhe 23. Martij 1636. Paper
160 folios
16cm × 19cm (11,5cm × 15cm)
16cm × 19cm (11,5cm × 15cm)
Modern foliation in ink in the upper margin; contemporary chapter numbers
in the upper margin of each page; article numbers in the outer margin.
The tight binding makes collation extremely difficult, but the manuscript
seems to be mainly composed of binio-sized quires.
Catchwords in the lower margin of each page.
The manuscript is in good condition. There is some staining, and
ploughing (probably at the rebinding) has caused cropping to some of the
marginal annotations.
One watermark (or possibly a few similar ones)
featuring a
tower with two gates
appears throughout the
manuscript (cf. Piccard 3,
). This
indicates that all of the leaves were part of the manuscript from the very
, Xone column with dry-point ruling (only occasionally visible),
26–30 lines of text.
The manuscript is written by a scribe who identifies himself as (
Laurentius Erici
by signing his initials on fols.
, , , ,
and his name ‘LAURE: ERICI’ on fol. . The
same name also appears in a closely related manuscript of the Stadslag
Stockholm, National
Library, Rålambs samling 143 4
), which is dated
in Turku (and another section in 1569
Schlyter (1865, XXVIII–XXIX)
suggest that both manuscripts were, in
fact, written by Laurentius Erici.It should, however, be noted that the section dated 1569 in texts in either manuscript. If the year
Rålambs samling 143
, is
written in a style very different from the one appearing in the Stadslag
entered in the illumination on fols. , ,
, and of this manuscript (it seems to be in same ink and by the
same scribe who supplied the chapter numbers), refers to the year of writing then
this would also make Laurentius’s career as a scribe an exceptionally long one.Additions were written in the margin by the main hand using a different script.
Initials in red with interlaced and other types of decoration (similar to
Rålambs samling 143 4
); here,
occasionally with faces (e.g. fols. , ,
). Initials for the articles usually 3–4 lines high, and those
for the chapters o
. 6–10 lines high. On fol.
, initial ‘N’ with the text ‘NOSSE TE IPSE’ written inside; here
Laurentius Erici
has added his initials (in
Rålambs samling 143
, a similar initial, where the initials
are those of Nicolaus Olavi
). More complex initials in red and
black on fols. , , ,
. Green is used in decorations on fols.
– and yellow on fols.
–.Rubrics, article numbers and paraphs in red.
A completely renewed French binding with gold tooling on the spine. On the spine
also a tooled headline ‘En gammal lagbok’ and a pasted paper label with the
shelf-mark. Red edges. Paper pastedowns.
The manuscript contains a copy of . A possible scribe is
Magnus Eriksson
’s Stadslag
Laurentius Erici
whose name is found in the
manuscript, as it is in another one with a closely related Stadslag
text dated 1552
in Turku
(Stockholm, National Library, Rålambs
samling, 143 4
). This manuscript also carries the year
entered in several places, which may indicate the year of writing.The
close relationship to a Finnish law manuscript is an indication that this one may
also have originated in
.The manuscript has the name and initials of
Laurentius Erici
entered in several
places. He was possibly the scribe.Additions made in
saec. XVII
, which
include Stockholm
’s privileges from 1636, suggest that it had come to Sweden by that
time.The manuscript previously belonged to the
Engeströmska biblioteket
, entering it possibly with
the collections of Mathias Benzelstierna
, which arrived in after his death in 1791
. It shows
shelf-marks ‘n:o 61’ found in the catalogue and on a spine-label, and ‘n:o 63’ found
on the inner front cover and in Schlyter. Other numbers appearing are ‘165’ on the
inner front cover
, and ‘248’ on fol. .Inner front cover
: ‘J. Carlstedt’(?)
in a hand of saec. XVIII
The Engeströmska collection was donated to the
National Library of Sweden
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Creative Commons BY 4.0