Skara, Stifts- och landsbiblioteket, Musikhandskrift n:o 5, Henricus Thomae boken
A liturgical songbook consisting of three different
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
I: 1661; II: 1570s; III: before 1611

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Stifts- och landsbiblioteket
Musikhandskrift n:o 5
Henricus Thomae boken
Stifts- och landsbiblioteket
Musikhandskrift n:o 5
Henricus Thomae boken
Skara, Stifts- och landsbiblioteket, Musikhandskrift n:o 5, Henricus Thomae boken
, Sweden
; II: 1570s
, Finland
; III: before 1611
, Finland
liturgical songbook
consisting of three different
parts.I: and
Fols. a–h: Notes and
probationes pennae
. Their contents are
described by Fransén 1936, 2 n. 2
.Fols. 1–13: in
Fols. 14–18: in
and Swedish
.II: Nicolaus Erici’s songbook
---Beata mater ... O gloriose Domine excelsus ...
... nunc et per omne seculum. AMEN. (Fols.
and contain
probationes pennae
and a few
ownership markings; see below. On fol. , another hand has added
hymns, ‘Quando christus ascenderat sedens’ and ‘Tigh ware loff och prijs’.)Dominica prima in aduentu.offertorium.
Ad te leuaui animan
meam ... ... virginis visita nos oriens exalto. (
) Kyrie eleyson. Christe ...
... nobis dignus datur. Alleluia.
Primus chorus
. O Gudh wy låffue tigh ...
... till ewigh tidh. (Te deum
) Te deum laudamus ...
... non confundar in eternum. (Kyriale
in Swedish) Herre förbarma tigh ... ... wari tack och löff.
in Finnish) Herra armadha
meidhen ... ... ikenens hæpien ala. (Te
in Swedish) Oo Gudh wij loffue tigh ... ... på ska
till euigh tidh (fol. 112r contains various probationes
and ownership markings (see below)).III: Henricus Thomae Hattulensis's songbook
Kyrie eleison, tempore adventus Domini, Quadragesimæ, Item diebus
festis apostolorum canendum
. Herre förbarma tig öfwer oss ...
... ähr allena deligh. Oo lux beata
trinitas ... cantamus dulciter hymnos.Fols.
: Sequences
, Latin
and Finnish
.Sequentia de corpore christi.
Lauda Sion saluatorem lauda ...
... et vitam futuri seculi. Amen. Christus pro nobis ... Fols. 146r–158v:
Libellus musicus in quo precipue Tonorum ratio proponitur ...
... et in secula seculorum amen.
Fols. 158v–165v: Antiphons and hymns in Latin and Finnish
Rex pacificus magnificatus est ... ...
servulos in sempiterna secula. Amen. Oo Jumal sinua kijtäm ...
... nylle wskowaisille. Sinä istudh Jumalan oikealla|
Fols. i–m: cover fillings with various notes and liturgical songs. See
Fransén 1936, 3–4
165 + 13 folios.
15cm × 19,5cm
15cm × 19,5cm
Modern foliation in pencil in the upper margin. Older foliation (or
perhaps rather quire signatures) using alphabets and an arabic numeral up to eight
are visible in the lower margin on fols. 19–44 (A5–D6). The foliation suggests
pages are missing from the beginning of the quire and the current quire structure
may be the result of reconstruction that took place during the rebinding process.
Another set of foliation begins on the fourth leaf of the
(fol. 149) and runs to the end of the book, fol. 165 (A4–C4). It
shows that this section was probably once independent.i + 8
+ VIII16
+ I18
; (IV+1)27
+ II111
+ I121
+ VI133
+ V143
+ II147
+ (II+2)153
+ II157
+ IV165
+ 5i-m
+ iPresumably during the rebinding, several loose leaves were pasted to
guards in the gutters or to each other. This, together with possible
reorganization of the quire structure, means that the current tentative
collation is not necessarily a perfect representation of the original. A stub
visible after fol. 9 (no text loss?). Fols. 18 and 19 were once pasted
together but have since been reopened. The leaves of the quire containing
fols. 19–27 are pasted together in the gutter. Fols. 152 and 153 have been
pasted together and to fol. 151 in the gutter.
One modern flyleaf added
at the beginning and one at the end. Fols. a–m were removed from the covers
during rebinding and are now pasted to guards at the beginning and end of the
manuscript. Fols. c–h apparently belong together with part I, and fols. a–b,
i–m with parts II and III. Fols. a–f and i–l have been conserved on paper and
were pastedowns or interior to the covers. Fols. g, h and m were flyleaves or
pastedowns before the binding was taken apart (they contain, for example,
ownership markings; see below).
Catchwords appear occasionally in parts II and III.
The manuscript consists of three different booklets written over a
century. Parts I (fols. 1–18) and II (fols. 19–112) may have once existed
separately, but part III (fols. 112–165) was an addition to part II, as
witnessed by the fact that it begins on the last leaf of part II.
I: One main hand, presumably belonging to
Jacob Jonae
who acquired the book in 1661
.II: Several main hands of
saec. XVI
writing humanistic and gothic cursives.2
III: Several cursive hands.
I: Carefully executed pen-drawn initial in black with highlighting in red (2–3
staves high).
II: Fol. : a small child(?) drawn among the vines inhabiting an
initial A. Fol. –v: simple initials coloured red with a crayon(?).
Elsewhere simple initials in black or initials left altogether unexecuted.
III: Simple initials in black. On fol. , green also appears.
The original binding consisted of wooden boards covered with parchment, with clasps
at the fore-edge.
The manuscript was rebound in
, during which time
fols. a–m were removed from the covers. The new binding is a cardboard
half-binding.A compilation manuscript with liturgical music written at the ) and III (
second half of saec.
XVI and during saec. XVII
. The manuscript has belonged to at least two Finns,
Nicolaus Erici
and Henricus Thomae
, both presumably priests in Finland
. During their
time parts II (c
. 1570sbefore 1611
) were written
by several cooperating scribes. By 1661
the manuscript was in Sweden
and in the
hands of the Jacob Jonae Bellander
(d. 1700) who added part I to it.Fols. , and include the name of
Nicolaus Erici Aboensis
, possibly
identical with a parson from Sääksmäki
who died around 1601, or with a parson from
who died in 1616; fol. : ‘Sum Ego Njcolaus Erici D H Aboensis’.
the manuscript (or parts II and III) was in the possession of a
Henricus Thomae
from Hattula. Several priests of that name are known, but they have
no established connection with Hattula
. On fol. : ‘Henricus Thomae Hattulasta
Anno 1611 i pelkoila’, ‘Hunc librum ego Henri[cus] --- Hattulencis ---’ (apart from
the name, this inscription is currently badly faded and difficult to read). On fol.
an erased note, ‘Sum Ego Henricus Thomae --d me--’. On fol. jv
(in a hand of
saec. XVI
): ‘Kere anderss Thomason ... ’fol. m: ‘Hunc librum ego petrus ...
[a?]landensis ---- haeredatorio --- [h]ujus ab ---[C]hristi---’.
manuscript was purchased in
by Jacob Jonae Bellander
; fol. hr: ‘Possessorem
huius libri me Jacobum Jonae Bellandrum esse fateor quem mihi compravi 13.
Septembris Anno 1661’. His name is also found on fols. dv
and gr
. On fol. gv
is reported as the donor of the book in a note written by Bellander in
runes. The name of Jacob Bellander's brother, Andreas Jonae Bellander
, is also
included in the book.The stamp of the
Skara Stifts- och landsbiblioteket
is found on the inside front
and on the verso side of the back flyleaf
. The library’s shelf-mark is on the
inside front cover and first flyleaf recto. Jacob Bellander
was the parson in Skara
and likely the manuscript was bequeathed to the library by him or later by his
brother Andreas.Cataloguer
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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