Turku, Provincial Archives of Turku, Turku Archdiocese Cathedral Chapter, Gummerus-collection, I:1. Psalterium
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XIV

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Provincial Archives of Turku
Turku Archdiocese Cathedral Chapter
Gummerus-collection, I:1
Provincial Archives of Turku
Turku Archdiocese Cathedral Chapter
Gummerus-collection, I:1
Turku, Provincial Archives of Turku, Turku Archdiocese Cathedral Chapter,
Gummerus-collection, I:1. Psalterium
Saec. XIV
Fols. –v, –,
–, –v,
–, . Ps. 9:[26?]32–10:6, 1–9:26, 10:6–37:20, 76:10–77:40,
(Fol. is badly worn, illegible) ... Dixit
enim in corde suo ... In domino confido ... filios hominum. Dominus interrogat
) V[enite ex]ultem[us]
domino iubilemus deo salutari nostro. Beatus uir qui non abiit ...
... sunt viae illius in omni tempore. Dominus interrogat
iustum et impium ... ... sunt super me et multipli|
[misericord]ias suas. Et dixi ... ...
rediens. quotiens exacerbaverunt e| quaesierunt [animam] meam
et ... ... congregati sunt et in cu|. On fol. the scribe copied Psalm 9 until the first half of verse
26, and then continued with verse 6 of Psalm 10. The same scribe copied the skipped
verses on fol. . (The poor state of this folio makes it uncertain,
but it seems that all of the missing verses are present here).
Antiphons, etc. are often listed between psalms; see fol. ,
, , , ,
, , , ,
, , (for a closer listing,
Gummerus 1910, 84–85
).On the front pastedown there is an illegible text in cursive of
saec. XV
20 folios.
11,5cm × 19cm (9cm × 13cm)
11,5cm × 19cm (9cm × 13cm)
Modern foliation in pencil in the lower right-hand corners of the
+ VI13
+ I19
i.e. fols. 14 and 20 form a
which encloses
fols. 15–19.Throughout, dirty and worn, with the upper parts of folia, especially
towards the front and back of the book, torn and frayed and in places reinforced
in a modern restoration.
There are quires missing between fols. 13 and 14,
and between 14 and 15.
Text in two columns on 28 lines, no
discernible signs of ruling.
Gothic textualis in one somewhat inexpert hand of
saec. XIV
.Three sizes of lombards, alternating in red and blue: smallest for the initials of
verses, medium-sized for the beginnings of psalms (blue ones flourished in red, the
red ones left unflourished), the highest-grade ones (bi-coloured, flourished in red)
for Psalms 1 (fol. ), 26 (fol. ), and 95 (fol.
), which are all preceded by an invitatory hymn. The decoration
and especially the flourishing, where the execution does not match the evident
ambition, suggests that this was a copy of a Continental book, produced perhaps
somewhere in
.Originally a full-leather binding on wooden boards with raised bands. The back
board is now missing, and the leather covering has been badly eroded. The volume was
closed with clasps at the fore-edge, of which the front halves on the upper board
are still extant.
produced in the fourteenth century
in imitation of a Continental
book, perhaps somewhere in Sweden
, found its way to the diocese of Turku
, probably
during the middle ages (if, indeed, it were not originally produced there). At some
point (or at several), substantial parts of the book have gone missing, including
its back board.No marks of provenance.
Nothing is known of the provenance of the book before was found in
Turku Cathedral Chapter Archives
in the early twentieth century
. It may have
arrived there as the result of the chapter’s request, c
, that parishes send older materials for examination. The materials were at
least in some cases returned to the parishes (this happened to the books from
Tammela now in the Library of Åbo Akademi), but at least some remained and survived
the great fire that destroyed much of the city in 1827 (Schalin 1946, 6 n. 2
, cites
the circulars of the chapter, no. 237 of 5 November 1828, and no. 264 of 20 June
1833, which indicate that several manuscripts that had been sent to Turku as
requested had not been collected and had become disordered in the fire, and were now
kept in the archbishop’s household).Cataloguer
Jesse Keskiaho
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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