Stockholm, National Library, Rålambs samling 4o 143. Magnus Eriksson’s Stadslag
Magnus Eriksson’s Stadslag
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
1552; 1569

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
National Library
Rålambs samling 4o, 143
National Library
Rålambs samling 4o, 143
Stockholm, National Library, Rålambs samling 4o 143.
Magnus Eriksson’s Stadslag
, Turku
Magnus Eriksson
’s Stadslag
Fol. : later provenance markings (see below).
(an oath for mayors and bourghers)
Enn eedh
för them som till Borgmestare och rååd valde kunne bliffwe: och för them som sin
Borgare eedh skolle göra.
Så beder iach migh gudh till hielpe, sampt hans
helige ... aff hiertath, såå wäl som medh munnen. (A list of
people not allowed as witnesses) Tesse säyas wara ährolöse och
måga ey witne bära.
Först alle the som öffuergiffua cristnas troo ... the som
slå fader och modher. (An oath) Hwilkenn som thenne
epterschriffne Eedh swär vppå Book, han swär eed ... Then andre Eeden swär han så,
och lepper hand vpå Book ... ... och tagitth vppenbara booth och
bättringh. (fols. – are blank)II:
Fols. –: . After
Gifftomala balk 3, a section from Kristoffer’s
’s Stadslag
been added. Other additions have been made in the margins, for example, after the
Edzöres Balk. Ed. Schlyter 1865, 3–400
. (Konungs balk, index, 1–25)
Tafflan [H]uru
borgmestare oc Rådmen skulu uälias oc huad dagh och om thera eedh ...
Konungs balker
. Nvthi Burgmestara och rådmen skulu wälias ...
... (art. 26) till fougaten oc rådhitt hwru the vilia med
them göra.
Gifftomåla balk
(index, 1–18) Hwilkom lundom man skall sigh
första capitell
. Nw vill man sick kwnu bidia oc fästa ...
... (chap. 18) koster ägher till räkenskap gånga. Erffdha Balken Tafflan
(index, 1–21) Nw door byaman ...
Dör bonde eller hustru och liffua ...
... (21) godz än thz barn döör. (Addition) Och icke till then som ... skyldmanne
sitt vt in 20 cap. Här effther fölier Jordha balken
Jordha Balks Tafflan
(index 1–17) Hwru arffda godz skall
upbindas ...
Första capitell.
Nw vill nåkor tompt swa ...
... (17) huad the aff honom hörde. (Addition) Thetta capitell
plägar wara een almenneligh ... ... han sielff är beslaghen
medh. Endan på iordha balken. Tafflan på Bygninga balken
(index, 1–23) Tve men skulo vara i huariom ... Twe men skulo
vara i huariom ... ... (23) norra oc södra vari lagh sama. Endhan på bygninga balken. Köpmåla balken Tafflan
(index 1–31)
Um lössöra köp klädher ... ... skule korn köpa. (A note) Thenna
balk eller lagh om köpenskapen haffuer ... dicktat war och driffuats. Förste capitell
Altt thett man köper få
klöffuat eller oklöffuat ... ... (31) arffuodis fore konunge
och stadhen. Här endas köpmåla balken. Nicola: Olavi. S. /
(by another hand) Iören Sylvester
(index, 1–19) Hwru man skall godz vpskippa ...
Första capitell.
Hwilken man till staden komber med skipi ...
... (19) twä å huar ther wägna. Endhen på
skipmåla balken
(index 1–34) Hwru mongh mallsman må ...
Första capitell.
Eey må man flere mall kära ...
... (34) läggia eller i Stadzens gömo. τελοσ. Edzöres Balken Tafflan.
(index 1–25) Nw gonghir
man hem till androm ...
Förste capitell
. Ridher man hem åt androm ...
... (25) thå skal han mista högra hand sina. Thetta capitel
handlar huru edzörit bötas skall ... lyff oc lössöra. En ny
Åran äpther gudz byrdh 1407 Sancthe Katherine
dagh stadgadhe oc stadfeste then ärlige konungh Erick Månson ... i Stockholm att
then man som giör fleck oc farnöte eller sammatt å fougthen ... konungx hämpdh och
vredhe. Endhan på Edzöris Balken.
. (index, 1–11) Vm man eller kona ... 1 ca(pitell)
Mördher nu nåker man annan ...
... (11) i staden miste hwffuodh sitt. Endhan på högmåla balken. Dråpmåla med vilia tafflan.
(index, 1–15) Um the dråp man gör ... 1. Nw draper man annan med wilia ...
... (15) dräpin ligghe twängildher. finis.
Dråp medh vådha taflan.
(index, 1–17) Hwru mongh hug till våda ...
Nw hugger man ått annan ... ... (17)
eller wari sigh sielffuer tridhie. finis. sårmåla balker mz vilia.
(index, 1–21) Nu vill man annan til såra ... Nu vill man
annan till såra binda ... ... (21) göra oc han kan ther
nådh fåå. τελωσ.
[Såramål] Med vådha.
1–8) Om man kan få hugga ... Förste caput.
Hugger man ått
androm oc annar ... ... (8) edhin oc orker ey botom. finis. Tiuffna Balken Tafflan
. (index, 1–20) Nw kan man ey
tiuffnadher ... Vardher then tiuffnader ...
... (20) om han orker ey tilbinda oc orkar ey botum. Finis deo sitt laus in trinis. Om dobbell
(added ‘Nicolaus
Olaui’). Hwar som doblar öffuer ... ... konungenom och stadhen
till treskiptis. Endan på Stadz Lagen. Finijt hic liber 16. die
Augusti Anno d. 1552.
(added below ‘1567’). (fol. is
(Olaus Petri’s
, ed.
Hesselman 1917, 302–311
) Nogra almenneliga Reglor
ter domaren bör retta sigh effter j.
En domare skal först besinna, at han ...
... ligger och mera mackt uppå, etc. Oret saköra gör ingen
herra riik men lagh och rett är herrans pris. (On judges, cf.
Collin – Schlyter 1827, 292–294
) Item om
. Huar som retter domare skal och uil wara, han taruar haffua
triggiahanda ... ... effter hans samuet och skäll etc.
(Magnus Ladulås
’s charter
on church peace; cf. HelsL. KkB. 21:2
) Tenna stadga
giorde konung magnus ladulåås
. Gänger bonde aff gårde å rettom kyrkewegh
sinom ... ... och fella henne 12 män ligge ogild. Finis. Laurencius Eritci(!) Holmensis.
(fol. 179r is blank)[15]
69 ten 16
maij. Fols. –: Additions by other hands. The text
from fol. continues on fols. 184–186, which may have been
(A table on the weight of bread) . Item tå span huethe gollor ena lispund ... brödh
uega 33 lodh. (fol. is blank) (
; ed.
Magnus Eriksson
’s stadga för
; cf. Schlyter 1865, 403–404
) I arena epther gudz
byrdh mccclx om fastaganghen I wästherars ... uthan thz tagz aff honom uthan hans
uilia. [–,
–] (Margareta
’s Gårdsrätt
Beckman 1919, 28–35
) Här byrias gårdz retten eller
Thetta är hogborno förstnes dröttning margareta ... (index, 1–22)
huilkenn man annan slår i hiel ... ... 1. Huilken man annan
slår i hiel ... ... (chap. 22) the særdelis wåra nådh. finis.
[–] (Astrological
notes with the date ‘(15)67 21 Mai’, written on fol. ).
(King Karl Knutsson
military articles
, imperf.) Item tesse epterna
Articlar hogboren furste och herre her Karl medh gudz nåde Swerigis och
Göttis et. konung ... Item vm noger rymer vndan konunge baner huad konunger ar
silffuer medt ... aff andre lande huar | [–]
(on serious offences
, imperf.; ed. Hadorph 1687, 47
syskena spield frend sämio spield ... (Quotations from laws, e.g. KrLL, HögB.
; ÖG, BB 36:2–3
) Nu kan så illa ... Nu gonga mänd effter ...
En tå at gud haffuer giffuit ... Nu
skipter man hestom eller skiuthom ... Nu haffuer man hund som ...
... som sagdt är, vari tå both halffua mindre.Paper
189 (188 numbered) folios
14cm × 19cm (8,5-9cm × 12cm)
14cm × 19cm (8,5-9cm × 12cm)
Modern foliation in ink in the upper right margin. Chapter numbers marked
in black ink in the upper margin of the recto side. Article numbers marked in the
margins in red.
+ 10IV83
+ III89
+ 9IV153
; 2IV176
+ II186
Catchwords are usually marked on each page.
The manuscript has different sections written at slightly different
times: the different hands and different watermarks suggest that the registry
(fols. 1–27) was added independently; as were the sections following the
(fols. 161–188).The manuscript is in good
condition, apart from some staining and small tears on a few leaves.
One dry-point ruled column with 24–28 lines of text (
. 24 in the registry; c
. 19 lines in
one column with no ruling).One main hand is responsible for the , which has been dated to
in Turku
and ) and written with cursive.The (fols.
–) is dated to
a scribe who identifies himself as ‘Laurencius Eritci(!) Holmensis (15)69’ (see fol.
). Laurentius Erici
initials also found on fols. , ,
, (drawn inside initials, but in black ink).
The same hand wrote at least the additions on fol. . Schlyter
(1865, XXVIII)
suggests this is the same hand that wrote the first section
of the manuscript and also Stockholm, National Library, Engströms
samling, n:o 61
, in which Laurentius Erici’s name also appears.Another possible scribe for the main section would seem to be
Nicolaus Olavi
, who has added his name on fols.
and and his initials in several places
(fols. , , ,
, , , ).
Nicolaus’s initials are added in the same red as the chapter initials, except for
fol. . Laurentius Erici
also added his initials in the main section, but this has usually been done in black
ink and may represent a later addition. Initials ’H H’ inside an intial on fol.
.Red initials with various decorations (for example, interlaced ones, on fols.
, , , etc.) in beginning of
chapters and articles (usually 3–4 lines high in the beginning of articles, 6–10
lines high in the beginning of chapters), several are left uncoloured, with simple
decoration inside. On fols. – green is also
used in the decoration.
The decoration throughout the manuscript is very similar to that found in
Stockholm, National Library, Engeströmska samling, n:o 61
. See
especially fol. with initial ‘N’ with the initials ‘N O’ and the
text ‘NOSSE TE IPS[E]’ inside it (a similar initial with Laurentius Erici
’s initials in found in the same place in Stockholm,
National Library, Engeströmska samling, n:o 61
). A cadel initial on fol.
, a pen-drawn initial in black and red on fols.
, , ,
. Interlaced initials are found in the section with (fols. , ),
but these are very different from the ones in the section.
Rubrics, article numbers, highlighting and paraphs in red.
Dark brown calf on wooden boards. Blind-tooled decoration: three sets of frames
formed by three fillets. Within the frames, vines and other decorative elements.
Both covers are worn and show various scratch marks. In the central panel, a round
stamp. On the front cover, a badly worn adoration of Christ with Joseph and Mary(?);
back cover, a badly worn depiction, possibly an annunciation, with one central
figure. Over (or framing) both these stamps a diamond shaped plate(?) was placed at
some point (both are now missing, but their form is clearly visible). Remnants of
two hook clasps with catches on the fore-edge of the front board. The boards
slightly over-hang the text-block. Paper pastedowns. ‘Knots’ made of parchment have
been pasted on to the pages to function as place markers. Headline and shelf-mark
written on paper pasted to the spine.
The manuscript contains and
other legal texts, which seem to have been added separately. The main section has
been dated to
Magnus Eriksson
’s Stadslag
and was written in Turku
. Another section is dated to 1569
. The
manuscript shares considerable similarities with Stockholm, National Library,
Engeströmska samling, n:o 61
, especially when it comes to initials. Both manuscripts
also feature Laurentius Erici
’s name, but the extent of his contribution remains
uncertain.The similarity in the chapter initials might even suggest that one
manuscript was copied from the other. For example, the use of green in the initials
begins in both manuscripts in exactly the same place (although green is otherwise
little used in this manuscript).
Fol. : (in a hand of
saec. XVI
) ‘Abo tum quandam uaris decorata triumphis, Nunc
superata uices proditorum classe retenta’; (in a different hand) ‘iören Silluester
Smitt(?)’; ‘1567’ (written on top of another similar note) ‘SRiffuin(!) i åbo och
lyctades ten 16. dagen agusstj Ano 52’.Fol. 99r: ‘nicolai olavi’.
’s name also on fol. . There is a later addition in different ink and hand:
‘iören sylvester
’.Laurentius Erici
of Stockholm wrote his name on fol.
(see above).Shelf-mark ‘Rålambs samling 143 4
’ on the spine, and
: 143’ on the inner front cover. Along with the
note ‘Bibliothequed på Strö Anders Sig:f. Rålambs’. The manuscript belongs to the
Rålamb’s collection, which was donated to the National Library of Sweden
in 1878
and 1886
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Creative Commons BY 4.0