Stockholm, National Library, A 56. Breviarium Aboense
Breviarium (officia sanctorum)
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
c. 1485

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Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
National Library
A 56
National Library
A 56
Diocese of Turku
Stockholm, National Library, A 56. Breviarium Aboense
. 1485 or laterDiocese of Turku
(officia sanctorum
)Fol. –v: notes, partly illegible owing to a tear on the upper part
of the folio. : a
note 'lectiones historicae de
sanctis Regni sueciae Martyribus et patronis olim in Ecclesiis suecanis
usitatae'.Fols. –: , in two different cycles (edited in
(1957, 41–184)
in a reconstructed order, according to the church year, and
with foliation that differs from the modern one). [ (main
] laudes hystoria sancta
(20 January,
18 June). Gaude cetus fidelium. Henrici natalium ... ... gaudet
cetus fidelium. Amen.
Historia de sancto Erico martire et rege
(18 May). Assunt
erici regis solemna laude regem ... ... bone ihesum dei filium
alleluia. De sancto Erasmo oratio
(3 June). Da nobis
quaesimus omnipotens deus ... ... angelis cum Gloria in secula
seculorum amen. De sancto Eskillo oracio
(12 June). O proles
britanie ... ... familie dulcis consolator. Amen. In festo Sancte Suniue virginis
(8 July). Supplicationibus
nostris quaesumus omnipotens deus aures tue ... ... domino
nostro Jhesu Christo cui est honor et Gloria in secula seculorum. Amen. Hystoria de Sancta Helena
(31 July). Felix parens vesgocia
gaude ... ... Magnificat anima mea domine.
De sancta Barbara
(4 Dec.). Optavi et datus est michi sensus
et invocavi ... ... domino deo atque saluatore nostro ihesu
Christo in secula ... In festo precentationis Sanctissime Virginis
(21 Nov.). Expedit fidelium deuocionem beatae virginis mariae ...
... eternam nobis prestare dignetur. Amen. De Sancto Kanuto rege et martyre oratio
(7 Jan.). Deus qui Beatum kanutum
regem et martirem a subditis ... ... longum est per singular
enarrat. In festo Sancti ansgarii episcopi et confessoris
Deus qui populo tuo eterne salutis ...
... Die Beati blasij quievit in pace. Tu autem domine. De Sancta Dorothea Oracio
(6 Feb.). Omnipotens sempieterne
deus in cuius nomen gloriosa virgo ... ... Theophilus ad
christum perrexit. De Sancto Symeone Collecta
(9 Feb.).
Perfice in nobis quesumus ... ... quem genuit adorauit. Cetera
oratio sicut in commune unius confessoris.
De sancto Sigfrido
(15 Feb.). Sanctus sigridus anglie ortus
ut ... ... celi mansione. Magnificat anima mea domine. De sancta Gertrude Oracio
(17 March). Deus qui Beatam Gertrudem
virginem ex regali stirpe ... ... colestia gaudia detulerunt.
Tu autem. Deo Gracias.
De Compassione Beate marie virginis
(March–May). Stabat virgo
dolorosa ... ... Letitia alleluia. Magnificat anima.
Hystoria de Sanctis
(with text on the Swedish patron saints,
10–16 July). Iocundare mater ecclesia noue lucis ... ...
gloriatur beatorum anime. Magnificat anima. In festo Sancte
(23 July). Rosa rorans bonitatem ... apparuit amicta sole femina
solem. (by another hand) De sancto
christoforo Collecta
(25 July).
Omnipotens sempiterne
Deus fortitude constantium ... De sancto Christofero legenda
. Xristoforus genere
cananeus procerissime stature ... ... gladio feriretur. Tu
autem. Finiunt lectiones de sancto Cristofero
. Fols. –: (by another hand) various notes in
Latin and Swedish. They contain recipes against lice (in
) and
Eczema (in Swedish
), a ten-line hexameter verse (in
), an ecclesiastic statute (de decimis et
), a fragment of a text concerning Mary
(in Swedish
) and a list of debts (in Swedish); (see
Maliniemi 1957, 20
). Of fols. 55 and 56 only small strips
56 folios (54 foliated)
13,5-14cm × 19,5cm (10,5cm × 13-14,5cm)
13,5-14cm × 19,5cm (10,5cm × 13-14,5cm)
Contemporary foliation with roman numerals in the upper margin, starting
from the beginning of the
officia sanctorum
(last number
visible on fol. 53, ‘lij’). Modern foliation in the upper right margin, starting
from the first leaf.IV
+ V18
+ III56
The manuscript in general is in decent shape. The first and the last
folia have suffered the most damage. The tops of the two first folia and of fol.
54 are torn. Fols. 55–56 survive only as unfoliated stubs.
The manuscript contains at least two different watermarks. A
‘P’ on its own
(appearing in the two first quires), is dated by
Mildveden (1972, 12 n. 33)
to 1483
. A letter ‘P’ with a cross (or a flower) over its stem
(appearing in the other quires) mostly resembles marks known from Mainz
in 1477
and Marburg/Lahn
in 1488
, and Wesel
in 1479
; Buchstabe
, Abt. X, 133Abt. XII, 33 and 561
(as has been pointed out
by Heikkilä 2009, 229
).One column with vertical bounding lines in ink. Number of lines
varies between 22 and 31, usually
. 28.One main hand writing a cursive from the
second half of
saec. XV or first half of saec. XVI
. The scribe in question was Nicolaus Jacobi Byrkop
, who signed his name in several
places (see below). Another, somewhat later, hand writes additions at the beginning
and end of the manuscript.Simple red initials with occasional pen-drawn decoration. On fols.
–, black cadel initials with flourishing in
red. Some rubrics are given in red, others in black; red ink is used for
highlighting of certain words; on fols. –,
rubrics, initials and significant letters are highlighted also with green.
Modern binding (
by the National Library) with
modern pastedowns pasted over the old ones.The manuscript shows several feasts that point towards the
Diocese of Turku
as its place of origin, for example, the high feast grade of St Sunniva
and the
presence of text related to the feast of St Henry
’s translation. It seems likely
that the manuscript was meant to complement the printed Dominican breviary used in
the diocese. A few offices known to have been celebrated in Turku
are missing, but
for the most part the manuscript complements the parts missing from the diocese’s
printed breviarium
. This also makes it an important source
for liturgy in the Diocese of Turku.The small size, modest outlook, and the
placing of the saints in two different cycles suggests that the manuscript was
intended for personal use. The writing probably took place during the
second half of saec.
. The scribe and owner was Nicolaus Jacobi Byrkop
, who signed his name several
times in the margin. He may be the same person serving as a priest in Närpes
.The scribe and first owner of the book,
Nicolaus Jacobi Byrkop
, signed himself
several times: ‘domini Jacob’ (); ‘Nicolaus Jac[obi] est pres huius libri’
(); ‘Nicolaus Jacobi Byrkop est pres huius Codicis’ (); ‘Qui me
scribebat nicolaus nomen habebat’ (fol. 46r). This was probably the Nicolaus Jacobi
Byrkop who served as a priest in Närpio
from 1539
. Possibly he was the son of a
burgher, Jacopp Beerkopp
, who is mentioned in 1492
(Maliniemi 1957, 21
Inner front cover: ‘sign. A. 56 i Antiqvitets Arkivet’.
At some point the manuscript was taken to the
Antikvitets arkivet
in Stockholm
moved from there to the National Library
in 1780
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Creative Commons BY 4.0