Turku, The Museum Centre of Turku Archives, uncatalogued choral book fragment B
Gradual, fragment
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XV 2/2
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Reproduction: Mikko Kyynäräinen / Turun Museokeskus.
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Reproduction: Mikko Kyynäräinen / Turun Museokeskus.
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
The Museum Centre of Turku Archives
uncatalogued choral book fragment B
The Museum Centre of Turku Archives
uncatalogued choral book fragment B
Diocese of Turku
Turku, The Museum Centre of Turku Archives, uncatalogued choral book fragment
Saec. XV
diocese of Turku
, fragmentFols. 1–2,
proprium de tempore
, from the third to the fifth
Sunday after Trinity.[1r]
in quoniam exaudisti ... exaudi uerba mea. Dominica iiij officium
. Dominus illuminacio mea ... inimici mei in|
|su per salutare ... deus meus adiutor meus. Dominica quinta officium
. Exaudi domine vocem meam qua cla|
|Laud--- ... ---date e--- ... ---uos re--- ... ---allelu---
... ---luya [2v]
|et se ... ---te ... ---fecit no … ---ya. Versus
... ---ictus es ... ---ne. Officium
... ---ige.Parchment
2 folios.
18,5cm × 34cm (18,5cm × 22cm)
18,5cm × 34cm (18,5cm × 22cm)
Original foliation not extant, the recto-side of fol. 1 has been marked
in pencil in the right-hand margin.
Badly mutilated; only the upper half of the bifolium and the inner margin
of fol. 2 is left. Remains of the same book are preserved as
Helsinki, National Library, F.m. II.120
.Text and notation in one column, ruled in ink.
Gothic bookhand by one scribe. The scribe has been recognized as one (Scribe D) of
those cooperating in the so-called Naantali-group of manuscripts (see
2008, 326, 340
). It was therefore possibly copied at the
Birgittine monastery of Naantali
.Square notation on four red lines
Lombards alternating in red and blue for the beginnings of feasts, hand-drawn
initials for the beginnings of chants, touched in red and decorated with black and
red diamond shapes; rubrics in red.
Some of the sewing holes are still visible. They match those found in
Helsinki, National Library, F.m. II.120
(where this bifolium
belongs between fols. 10 and 11).This bifolium comes from a gradual possibly written at the
monastery of
in the second half of the fifteenth century
. Remains of the same book are preserved as
Helsinki, National Library, F.m. II.120
.There are no clues available as to the manuscript’s later provenance.
Jesse Keskiaho
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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