Porvoo, Borgå Gymnasium’s Library, Kristoffer’s Landslag A
Kristoffer’s Landslag and other juridical texts.
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
1550s-1560s (before 1567)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Borgå Gymnasium’s Library
Kristoffer’s Landslag A
Borgå Gymnasium’s Library
Kristoffer’s Landslag A
Porvoo, Borgå Gymnasium’s Library, Kristoffer’s Landslag A
1550s-1560s (before 1567)
(?) (Savonlinna
’s Landslag
Fols. –: Ownership markings (see below),
instructions for making a liniment and notes concerning the building of
by Erik Axelsson Tott
fols. and ). A note of saec. XVII
on fol. mentions a
Daniell Theodori Neseus
.Fols. –: Instructions relating to the laws and
the court. Text continues from fol. to . Fol. 4
is a later addition.
(Instruction regarding a Thing court) Hwru man skall lysa tingh
... (excerpts from laws) ... (Instructions concerning the
interpretation of the laws) att lagenn och lagliga stadgar icke ... hete Jöns, thenn
wij haffue haft och ... Stockholm anno etc. 1530 (fol.
is blank) Uthi then gambla laghboken I
dråpmåla Balken ... ( is blank).
Fols. –: ; all
chapters preceded by an index. No Kyrkobalk included (the chapters have been
numbered 2–15). This manuscript not mentioned in
’s Landslag
Schlyter 1869
.Konungs blacken
. (Index 1–36) [S]werigis rijke är aff ...
[S]werigis Rike är af hedne werld ...
... thy sinne och eij lenger. (fol. 32v is blank) Gifftamåla
balcken. (Index 1–23) [H]wru man skal sig konu ... [W]il man
sig konu bidia ... ... (23) till fulnadha gånga.
Erffda balcken.
(Index 1–23)Jorda balken
. (Index 1–33) [F]em äro lagafångh ...
[F]em äro lagafång iorda ... ... (33)
äghande anlada allan.
Bygninga balcken.
(Index 1–53) [H]wru bönder måga ...
[V]ilia bönder by aff nyo ... ... (53)
thz mätit warder. (71v is blank)
. (Index 1–14) [K]öpir man lösöra fåå ...
[K]öpir man få hoffwadh eller ... ...
(14) ty gieldit är til.
(Index 1–43) [F]örst huru lagman ...
[T]hå lagmand wälias ... ... (43)
hastige mode eller longa awud. (fol. blank)
Edzöris balken
. (Index 1–44) [U]m någor gör androm ...
[S]öker man hem åt androm ... ... (44)
han thz sielffwer giorde. Konung Erick Månsons stadga och gårdz
rätt ... konungx hempd och wredhe (93v blank)
Högmälis balken
. (Index 1–16) [M]order någor annan ...
[M]order man annan ... ... (16) utan
sina egna (97v blank).
balken mz wilia
(Index 1–38) [K]omber skilnader manna ...
[N]u komber skilnader manna ... ...
(39) oc tridie härade. (105r–v blank)
Dråpmåla mz uåda
. (Index 1–17) [F]örst skils hwat vilia ...
[H]war som sward eller ... ... (17) oc
xij manna eede (–v blank).
Såramål med wilia
. (Index 1–20) [H]wru man skall annan ...
[N]w will man annan till såra ... ...
(20) tess fåå haffuer thet giordt.
Såramal mz wåda
. (Index 1–7) [H]wgger man åth androm ...
[H]wgger man åt androm och warder ... ... (7) mz vi manna edhe
(115v blank).
Tiwffna balcken
. (Index 1–38) [O]m saak tess som ...
[B]esta ting som bonden ... ... (38)
effter thy som lagh seija. Finis
(followed by an addition in
a hand of saec. XVI
(Excerpts from the laws) Någre synnerlige
sticker anteknade. Vdi Gifftamåla blacken, 3 cap.
Nw gånger annars ...
... och han heeter agnebaker (followed by an addition by
another hand; is blank).[–] (; ed. ; cf.
; ed.
Explanations of old words
appearing in the laws
) En liten undervisning
vthtydning ... [–v] (Excerpts from Östgötalag
) Här effter fölger några almenneliga Reglar
vthdragne aff Östgöta laghen
... (–v
blank) [–] (Kalmar recess
; SDHK 29818
) Riksens stadgar
... [–v] (Articles from
) Istos infra scriptos articulos
[–v] (King Karl
) Tesse effterscriffne Artickler ...
[141r–v] (King Gustav Vasa
) Thesse äre the Artickler som
[142r–144v] (King Erik av Pommern
’s Gårdsrätt
Klemming 1868–1881,
) Register på Gårdzretten
(followed by index) ...
[H]Wilken man annan slåår ... [–] (King
Gustav Vasa
’s articles
) Artickler stelte för kongelige
[–] (Karl
’s Hamnskrå
Klemming 1856, 298–309
) Een hampnaskrog för
... [–v] (Examination at the Prosteting) Thetta är ransakandes på Proste tingh
... (followed by
Magnus Ladulås
’s Stadga
[–v] (Västerås ordinantia
; SRA I,
) Ordinantia som giordis I Westerårs
[–] (Västerås recess
GIR 5, 25–28
) Westerårs recess
(–v blank) [–v] (Instructions for judges)
Domare Laghen. Theh pläger wara ett almenneligitt sätt ...
(Olaus Petri
Hesselman 1917,
) Några almennelige Regler ther Domaren bör retta
sig epter.
En domare skal först besinna ... ... Män
lagh och rätt är herran prijs. [–v] (Quotations from the Bible on
the subject of judges) Domaren till ett betenckande
(Instructions for Judges) Hwar rätter
domare wil wara
... ... sin skadha åter gelda
(–v is blank).[–] (Historical and other notes) Swerigis
lagh ähr aff Rickssens konugher ... [–]
(various short instructions)
Ehnn skön vnderwisningh allom
Cristnom Menniskiom
... [–v] (A list of those not
allowed to swear an oath
) Thenne effterskreffne
... [–] (On
) Om Arff huad then ähr och huru thet förstås
... [–] (Quotes from
Domareregler) (Some questions from the laws) Nogre spörsmåll aff Lagen
... [–v] (Sten Sture
’s letter 1488
; cf. FMU
, by another hand) (Erik
’s letters 27 August 1548
29 January 1537
) (Erik
Fleming’s judgment 31.12.1538) (A note concerning taxes paid
in money).Fol. 175 is pasted to the back flyleaf. It contains an account fragment, and notes
on ownership similar to those on fol. , and including
Gustav Fincke
’s name.Paper
i + 174 + i folios.
19,5cm × 28cm (11cm × 17,5cm)
19,5cm × 28cm (11cm × 17,5cm)
No foliation.
The binding is tight and several leaves have been pasted together in the
gutters, which renders accurate collation difficult.
Catchwords on the bottom of most pages.
Fol. 1 has been pasted to a leaf of modern paper. Fol. 4 seems to be a
later addition between fols. 3 and 5. Possibly a bifolium is missing at the
centre of the quire after fol. 126 (catchword does not match with the following
The main section of the manuscript ends at fol. 165; after this, an
added quire with different watermarks from the main section. The manuscript is
in excellent condition.
One unruled column with 31–37 lines of text.
One main hand writing a fine hybrida script is responsible for the text found on
fols. –. The same hand wrote other manuscripts
of :
’s Landslag
Uppsala, University Library, MSS B 8 and
B 38
; and Stockholm, National Library, Engströms samling no:
. All manuscripts were written in the 1550s-1560s
and two of them have an early Finnish provenance. The main scribe wrote several notes in the margins of the text of the law. At least
one other hand of
saec. XVI
contributed several marginal notes.Empty spaces left for initials (8 lines high) at the beginning of chapters with the
intention of filling later, possibly with initials cut out from prints or other
manuscripts (this method is seen in some manuscripts by the same scribe).
Alternating red and blue initials at the beginning of each article (occasionally
with simple decoration in the opposing colour). Rubrics at the beginning of a
chapter in red and blue. A more formal script is used to distinguish the first words
of articles. Headings in the upper margins in red; article numbers in the outer
margin also in red. Paraphs are in red and blue.
saec. XX
half-binding with
cardboard covers. The manuscript contains along
with a collection of other legal texts. It was written in the
’s Landslag
1550s-1560s (before 1567)
by a skilled
scribe who was also responsible for a number of other similar manuscripts. A tempus ante quam
for the writing stems from the first ownership
inscription, which is dated 1567
. In saec. XVIII it came into the possession of Mårten Lundbeck and
thence to the Porvoo gymnasium.The earliest mark of ownership seems to be connected to
Hans Larsson Björnram
1571), the governor of Finland
from 1567; see fol. : ‘1566 M: G: W: G: F: (?). H:
Larsson. gwdh hielpe migh aff all min nödh för sin såns pino och clöf.’.Upon
Hans Larsson
’s death, the book passed to his widow, Ingeborg Nilsdotter Boije
, who,
in turn, gave it to her new husband, Gödik Fincke
(d. 1617) in 1586
; fol. :
‘Gödich fincke äger dhenne bock, Then han aff sin s: kär hustru Ingeborg nilsdåtter
bekomedh haffuer, Skriff(uit) uidh nyslåt anno etc. 86’ (followed by two
monograms). Gödik Fincke held an offince in Savonlinna
where some notes concerning the local castle where obviousl added.Fol. : (
saec. XVIII
) ‘Martin Lundbeck’, referring to Mårten
(d. 1771) who was the rector of Porvoo
’s elementary school from 1758. The
manuscript was purchased for the Porvoo gymnasium
in the 1770s
. He also wrote his
name and the year 1752
on fol. .Cataloguer
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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