Helsinki, National Archives, Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran kokoelmat, käsik. V / IB3. Antiphonary fragment
Antiphonary fragment
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XV 2/2 - XVI 1/2

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
Paper (fols. 2–33) and parchment (fol. 1)
National Archives
Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran kokoelmat
käsik. V / IB3
National Archives
Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran kokoelmat
käsik. V / IB3
Nordic Countries
Helsinki, National Archives, Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran kokoelmat, käsik. V /
IB3. Antiphonary fragment
Saec. XV
, 2
Nordic Countries
fragmentFols. –: Fragment of an
with Easter feasts and the sequence of St Olav
, which suggests a Nordic origin. The leaves have at
some point been misbound and are given here in a reconstructed order. (
Dom. Resurrectionis
) Salue festa dies
toto venerabilis ... ... regnavit a ligno alleluia |
Vidi aquam egredientem ... ... petram
iusticie aut sepultum reddant aut resurgentem ... Regina celi
letare ... ... patres nostri annunciauerunt |
(Corpus Christi
) Sacerdos in eternum
... ... deus noster adest nobis Denique
iam exponit ... Misit me pater vivens ... ... vitam in
semetipso tu unus panis et unum ... ...
Sacerdotes sancti incensum et panes offerunt deo alleluia ...
... perceptio prefigurat qui | (Invitatoria
) Venite exultemus domino ... [30r]
... secula seculorum amen. Sequencia de sancto olauo
. Lux
illuxit letabunda ... ... tua saluet dextera. Amen.
(De dominicis
) Tua est potencia tuum
... Gloria in diebus. Congregati sunt inimici ... qui regis
israel intende qui deducis ... ... salus
laborem et do-|Paper (fols. 2–33) and parchment (fol. 1)
33 folios.
14cm × 20,5cm (10,5cm × 16,5cm)
14cm × 20,5cm (10,5cm × 16,5cm)
Modern foliation in pencil.
There are several leaves missing and cropped. The surviving ones have
been misbound and do not represent the original order. Fol. 11 is loose and should
come before fol. 2, which is misplaced. Fol. 14 is also misplaced as it contains a
continuation of the text on fol. 33. Fols. 9 and 10, and 22 and 23 have been
pasted together in the gutter.
One column with vertical bounding lines; 8 lines of notation, 30
lines of text.
One main hand writing a cursive of
or saec. XVI1
Quadratic notation on black four-line staves.
Simple pen-drawn initials in black; often even these have been left unexecuted.
Tacketed quires without covers.
The manuscript is part of a Latin
, probably written in the second
half of saec. XV or first half of saec. XVI
. The presence of a sequence for St Olav
suggest a Nordic origin. The manuscript has lost several leaves and some of the
surviving ones have been placed in an incorrect order.The manuscript stems from the collections of the
Finnish Society of Church History
, which have been deposited at the National Archives of Finland
The envelope in which it is kept contains a slip with the note that it was a
donation in 1909
that had perhaps been made by the Finnish scholar and antiquary,
Eeli Granit-Ilmoniemi
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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