Helsinki, National Archives, Biographica, Kupiainen, Henrik Henriksson
Fragments from a copybook
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XVI ex. (1592 at the earliest)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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National Archives
Kupiainen, Henrik Henriksson
National Archives
Kupiainen, Henrik Henriksson
Helsinki, National Archives, Biographica, Kupiainen, Henrik Henriksson
Saec. XVI ex. (1592 at the earliest)
Fragments from a
Fragments from a
containing the correspondence of several
persons (both private and commercial) dating from 1568
to 1592
. The fragments are here presented in the order of their current
pairing, the correctness of which it is often difficult to confirm because the
leaves have been heavily cropped and are missing text from both the top and bottom
of each page.I: Fragments of five letters
–v:The last part of a letter written in
) on 22 February
; concerns commercial matters; mentions Jacob
and a Henrik Hjärn(?)
. Fol. Av: Beginning of a letter concerning horses
and their fodder.[Ar]
---är att hörer aff ... Jacob Pauli hafuer Jagh ...
... som giffuit är wijbo[rghis den] 22, februarij Anno etc.
-7[5 or 9?] ---kan iagh tigh mellker icke förhålla ... medh tigh och omtedh så|Fol.
: Last part of a letter from 1592
, concerning
good deeds. Fol. Br
–v: A letter to Matts
in Jäskis
from a
(?), 1591
. Concerns trade. Mentions
Herman, Jeronimo and --- Larsdotter. Fol. Bv
: Beginning of a letter
containing advice.[Br]
---mägha see idhera ... . Anno 1592. Till wår tro tienere och
fougdthe udi Jäskis Socken Mattz Anderβonn ... [Bv]
... näst mijn
wenlige tackseijelse käre bror herman ... min käre syste[r] --- larsdotter, Datum
Anno 91 Christiern[?] ... Scriffuar S:P:A:IP:II. käre brödher, jagh förmanar idher
sosom ... förtala idher sosom Ilgerningemånn.II: Fragments of four letters
–v: Last part of a letter to a female recipient. Concerns a
trip to Sweden
and some commercial matters. Mentions a ‘Balzar
gulsmedh’. Not dated. Fol. Cv
: Beginning of a letter to
Henrik [Kupiainen?]
informing him that the writer intends to
send men to Viborg
hiertans syster förminner ... [Cv]
... edher
leffuerene skall. Ostendit Die Lunae. Näst min wenligh helβem ... altijdh tilförende
et käre henrich ... Sende 3 eller 4 bottzmen till wijborgh som skole föra min pinka
iffrå kusala Sund till wijbor[gh] ... förthenskull är mine[?] |Fol.
: End of a letter from Lasse Månsson
(in Viborg
). Dated at the castle
of Turku
. Mentions news of stolen silver. This letter may belong together
with the fragments on fols. Gr
–v and Hr
–v. Fol. Dv:
Arvid Tawast
to Henrik Kupiainen
, 26 December 1583
in Kurjala
Concerning supplies of a fisher(?).[Dr]
---ck för dij 5 styck[?] boskap som sender till lapuesi ... och
dhem som bo gårdenn wår da[tum A]bo slot then 1 juniij anno etc 73 Laβe Magnβon
--mola käre broder E[ders] A[lltid] T[ill] W[ilie] Ostendit Die Mar[tiis]
Wenligh helβem digh ... käre Sonn Hendrich Cupiaene lather
iagh digh ... Christoffer Henrichβonn ... Datum Kuriala then 26 Decembris Anno etc
83 Arffuedh Henrichsonn. Taffuesis till weβeunda.III: Fragments of four letters
–v: Last part of a letter from Lasse
to Jacob Pauli
, 22
April 1578
, Turku
castle. Concerning commercial
matters. Mentions Jacob’s wife Elin Månsdotter
Michil Tyrilsson
, Lasse Jönsson
dominus Andreas
. Fol. Ev
: Beginning of a letter
to Jacob Pauli
from Lasse Månsson
--g flijtig tackseijelβe för ... käre her Jacob ... Michil
Tyrilβo[n] ... [Ev]
... Lasse Jönsson ... edher elschclige hustru
mijnn käre sys[ter] Elinn Moensdotter ... aff abo slot, dhenn 22 aprilis Anno etc.
1578. E[ders] T[ill] W[ilie] A[lltid], Lasse Moensson. Hederligh och wällärdh M ...
her Jacob Pauli kyrcke herde wdhi Lappweβ Sockn ... synn käre swågher senndes thette
Ganske ... medh sinechti godhe (in the lower margin an addition(?), possibly a name:
–v: Last part of a letter to a female recipient (addressed as
mother) from Matts Mattsson
and Andreas
, 10 February 1592
. Concerning the Russian threat in the east. Fol.
: The beginning of a letter from a female to another. Contains
personal correspondence.[Fr]
Mijnn kärligh helβe ... kjäre hiertans Moor ...
|stiftt aff Rautalambi preste gårdh dhenn 10 februari Anno
etc. 92 Madz Madzβonn Anders Johanniβ. Systerligh hälsa försennith ... framfostra
kann där nest kä|’IV: Fragments of three letters, which seem to be incorrectly reconstructed. It
seems that the letter beginning on the present fol.
continues from
to Gv
and still on Gr
: Last part of a letter with a request for boarding for three
to four persons in Viborg
. Mentions a Hans
. Dated in Kaskis
, Good Friday
. Hr
–v: Beginning of a letter to
(addressed as sister). Mentions a trip to Sweden taken
by a superior (‘mijnn hosbonde’), and the silver that was lost (see also fols.
, Gr
–v). This letter seems to continue on fol.
and Gr
. Possibly it ends on fol.
enlig begär att ... haans hermanβon I wijborgh ... Datum kaskis
longfredag Anno 80. Broderligh och kärlig ... [Hv]
... käre syster
Elsa ... Edhers skriffuelse fick [Gv]
[i]agh thenn i martij, som war
... icke hadhe van [Gr]
--igh illa tillfridz, men her Jacåp han
meentte så ... igen men huad iag|V: Fragments of four letters
: A letter from King Johan
to Matts Andersson
with instructions to hold
knights ready at the border. Dated at Stockholm
on 8 November
15??. Fol. Ir
–v: A letter to Matts Andersson
(addressed as a father) from Christer Månsson
. Contains thanks
for services rendered, and commercial matters. Dated 11 March
Johann then tridie med Gudz nåde Swerigis Göthes och w ... etc.
konungh. Wår gnnst tilförende et Effther thz Mattz Anderβonn w| ... Stockholm thenn 8
Nåuembris, Anno etc. 1--- Mijnn Ganske wennligh och ... käre farr Mattz Anderβonn
... mich kårtt och tackar [Iv]
niste[?] welseningar soso I migh ...
kärre farr Mattz Anderβonn ... thenn 11 Mar[s] ---2 ... Christer Månβonn’Fol.
: Last part of a letter written by Arvid
25 November 15??. Concerning commercial matters; mentions a
payment from Erik Henriksson
. Fol. Jr
Beginning of a letter to Henrik Kupiainen
(from Arvid
?). Concerns commercial matters; mentioning Marcus
, Bertil Jönsson
, Jöns
, and B[ertil?] Thomasson
Dhu will annamme bettalningh der aff Erich henrichβonn ...
Datum Kuriala then 25 octobris A[nno] ... [Ar]ffuedh [H]endrichβonn Taffuesis till
weβuola ... [k]äre Sonn henrich Cupijann kommer ... Marcus Taffwesis ... Minn efter
iag| [Jv]
|ooβ migh och ... Bertil Jonβon Sampt Jönes Nyl ... stare J
wijborgh ... borghare Benempd B[ertil?] Thomaβon ... till Nyslootz ... till sodhants
wijlle|’VI: Fragments of five letters
: The leaf should probably be turned around. It contains a
letter to Henrik Kupiainen
, which is probably the same one
ending on fol. Kr
(by Anders Persson
(and a
Påval?), in Viborg
14 August 15??). After this, the beginning
of another letter, which may also be addressed to Henrik
, but from a superior.[Kr]
|hörer och wäl käre hen[rich] hen[rich]βonn och ... Datum
wijborgh dhenn 14 augusti a[nno ... ] ... Anders Perβon påueul ... Wenligh helβe
försennh medh ... käre sonn he ... [Kv]
... |rich henrichβonn Cwpiann
minn godhe ... wenn ... Enär gudh will dh[en] Edle och wälbörne mann Claes flemingh
: Last part of a letter by a
carried by Lars
, Puumala
29 August 1581
. Fol. Lr
–v: A letter to
a Magnus(?) Jönsson
from Anders Larsson
30 December 1568
. Concerning commercial matters. Fol.
: beginning of a letter to a Henrik
with thanks for various services rendered.[Lr]
Jagh ffatigh mann ... i pumala then 29 augusti [ann]o 81
lefferer las torstensonn bref .... Cristo| ... Mijnn ganska weluilligh wenlig helsem
... magus(?) Jonsson ... giffua eder ther förne [Lv]
... 30 decembrij
Anno etc. 68 Anders Larβon Tie| (in another hand) Ostendit Die Jovis. Mijn ganska
wenligenn ... käre hendri[ch] ... som är nogott better är en ha|VII: Fragments of four letters
Fol. M should perhaps be turned around. Its current verso-side contains the
beginning of a letter to
Per Larsson
, and current recto the end
of a letter from Andreas Sigfriedsson
, 5 January 1583
. These may be part of the same letter. It is followed by
the beginning of a royal letter. [Mr]
-- Sijken, och andre ... Marcus sigffridzon ... Anno etc. 83
then 5 Januarij. ed[ ... ]willie, andreas Sigffridi. Koninglighe maiestät till
Swerige et in aller nådigste ... thette wenlige et [Mv]
wälwillige och ... käre peer larβonn ... att Claus flämings icke å--- ... k: mattz
wegne ... thett i wille förhandleFol.
: A badly torn letter concerning commercial matters by
Gregorius Matthiae(?)
. Also mentions her
, Matts(?) Andersson
, and
Oloff Pelter
--- Gadheli[us?] --- ... Salig her Eskiell ... wij Gregorius
matthi[ae]| ... benemp[ne?] Oloffs pelter J meralax ... ligghe godhe
... erligh bönn --- koninlighe maiestät wår a| ... på Nyborgs
slat ... korn 2 pundhPaper
14 folios.
14cm × 19,5cm
14cm × 19,5cm
Sporadic modern foliation (see below).
Single folia, trimmed seemingly at all four sides, with the margins (but
for the occasional 1 cm of lower margin) and some of the text missing. The folia
have been paired (I–VII) and enclosed between plastic sheets. As suggested above,
the pairing does not necessarily represent the original order of the leaves. This
is also indicated by the numbering in pencil in the upper-right corners of
recto-sides, as follows: fol. E = 3, G = 4, H = 5, F = 6, I = 7, M = 11, L = 13.
Many folia are severely torn, showing staining and imprints from the cover
material to which they have been glued.
One unruled column with a varying number of lines.
Rather formal cursive script by one scribe. Some small additions possibly by
another hand.
Individual letters often begin with a large gothic majuscule initial with some
monochromatic flourishing (fols.
, Ir
; cf. Ev
, Hr
).Not bound.
A collection of fragments of correspondence recovered from the binding of a
printed volume. Owing to the fragmentary nature of the letters, it is difficult to
provide an accurate description of their contents. The letters include several
different recipients and senders, but also contain reference to some of the same
events. Occasionally this might be explicable because they are two fragments of the
same letter. Given that the letters derive from different persons but are written by
a single hand, and given that they follow each other on the same page, these leaves
apparently stem from a
. The latest letter is dated 1592
, which offers a terminus ante quem non
. Since the printed book into whose
covers the fragments were stuck contains information on its purchase in 1592
, it
seems likely that the binding using these leaves also took place in or about this
same year. The large number of senders and recipients makes it difficult to
estimate whose copybook is in question. However, the current attribution to
Henriksson Kupiainen
should be considered tentative. To judge by the early
provenance of the book into whose binding the letters were pressed, their origin
probably lies in Turku
or Viipuri
.The leaves, which survive only as fragments, have been used as cover fillings of
Laurentius Petri
's Then Swenska Kyrkeordningen
, Stockholm
: 1571
] in Kuopio, City Library, Kuopio Lyceum’s Library, Then
Swenska Kyrkeordningen (1571)
. The book was owned by Bertill Andersson
who bought it
on 18 June 1592
in Turku
, and later by Bishop O. Elimaeus
who bought it in March
in Viipuri
.In that volume the modern back flyleaf bears the handwritten notice stating that
the fragments were surrendered to the
National Archives of Finland
in 1953
: ‘Olav D.
Schalinin teoksessa Kulthistoriska studier I sivun 59 alaviitteessä mainitut kirjeet
luovutettu Kuopion lyseon luvalla valtionarkistoon 22.9.1953’.Cataloguer
Jesse Keskiaho
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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