Turku, Provincial Archives of Turku, Turku Archdiocese Cathedral Chapter, Gummerus-collection, I:5. Antiphonarium Laurentius Jacobi
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XV 4/4 - XVI 1/4 (1480s?)

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Provincial Archives of Turku
Turku Archdiocese Cathedral Chapter
Gummerus-collection, I:5
Antiphonarium Laurentius Jacobi
Provincial Archives of Turku
Turku Archdiocese Cathedral Chapter
Gummerus-collection, I:5
Antiphonarium Laurentius Jacobi
Diocese of Turku
Turku, Provincial Archives of Turku, Turku Archdiocese Cathedral Chapter,
Gummerus-collection, I:5. Antiphonarium Laurentius Jacobi
Saec. XV 4/4 (1480s?)–XVI¼
diocese of Turku
Fols. –,
–, proprium de sanctis
from (parts of) the feast of St Mary Magdalene
the feast of St Olav
(imperf.). Recumbente ihesu in domo pharisei ... ...
monumentum quatriduanum jam
lazarum resuscitauit salute.
Laudemus ... [185v]
... illi unum extat certe. Maria
optimam sibi partem ...
In festo sancti olaui regis ad uesperas super psalmos
. Sancte
martir domini olaue ... fugabat excercitum. Ad sepulcrum|Fol. 9 is blank.
Fols. –, –,
proprium de sanctis
, from the feast of St Lawrence
to the feast of St Augustine
, and from the feast of All Saints to the feast of St
Clement of Rome
. Beatus laurencius dum in craticula ...
... gaudete quia cum Christo regnat in eternum. Letare mater
nostra iherusalem ... ... templi marmorei habitaculum a deo
paratum. Magnificat.
Exsurge domine adiuua nos ... in pace custodite.
Fol. –v, an antiphon from the Book of Kings (summer readings?),
an antiphon for the approach to Easter(?), and two antiphons for St Cecilia.
Rex autem dauid ... fili mi absalon. Dum appropinquauit
dominus ... ... docens in templo. Virgo gloriosa semper ... ad
coronas vocabat.
Veneremur crucis lignum ... ... agonem ad
eternal gaudia. Amen. Stabat iuxta christi crucem ...
... o maria, uirgo plena gracia.
Fol. 44, a later addition: on the recto-side, notes for sermons(?); on the verso,
the antiphon ‘Hec est regina uirginum ... intercede pro nobis omnibus’, for the
Nativity of Mary – in fact the same antiphon as on the next folio
(). In a different hand, ‘seculorum’, and, in a yet another
hand: ‘Domine non sum dignus ... sanabitur anima mea’.
Fols. –,
proprium de
, from the feast of the Nativity of Mary to the feast of the
conversion of St Paul
. Hec est regina uirginum ... ... in illo
die iustus (lower margin:) iudex. Benedictus. Euouae.
Hystoria de apostolis
. [E]stote fortes in bello ...
... Gloria tibi resonet in cecula [sic]. Magnificat.
Euouae.Fol. 88r–v,
proprium de tempore
, second and third Sundays
after Easter. [H]ec autem scripta sunt ... in sanguine tuo. Alleluia.
Alios oues habeo ... a uobis. Alleluia. Euouae’.
Dominica prima quadragesime inuocauit
. Ecce nunc tempus
acceptabile ... ... erat quippe magnus ualde. Alleluia. Stabat virgo dolorosa mater christi ...
... nobis donat sine fine perfrui leticia, alleluia, alleluia.
In festo apostolorum petri et pauli super psalmos
Filie iherusalem uenite et uidete ...
... laudibus aggregata, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.In festo ascensionis domini antiphona
. Ascendens christus in
altum ... ... spiritum ueritatis, alleluia. Euouae.Fols. –,
proprium de
, the feasts of St Erik
, Corpus
Christi, St Eskil
, dedicatio
, and St Henry
’s translatio
. In festo sancti erici regis et martiris super psalmos
. Assunt erici regis ...
... diuine gratie mitis imperator. Cor
] Sacerdos in eternum ... ... nobis pignus
datur, alleluia. In festo sancti eskilli episcopi et martiris ad uesperas antiphona
super magnificat. Eskille flos presulum pater ... ...
consolator, Magnificat. In festo dedicacionis ecclesie
. Sanctificauit dominus tabernaculum ... ...
salus a deo facta est. In festo sancti henrici
Gaude cetus fidelium ... ...
uirtuositas reddebat graciosam.Fol. ,
proprium de tempore
, the fourth
Sunday after the octave of Easter.Dominica quarta post octauas sancte pasche
(a later
subscription). Ille me clarificabit quia ... me amastis et creditis.Fol. is blank.
Fols. –,
proprium de
, from the fourth ferial day after Pentecost to the 20th Sunday after
Trinity (with the second Sunday on fol. erroneously titled the
first).Feria quarta ystoria
. Aduenit ignis diuinus ...
... est pro mundi uita, alleluia, alleluia. Ystoriam in festo sancte trinitiatis officium antiphanas
O beata et benedicta ... ... uocate ad nupcias dicit
dominus.Fols. –,
proprium de
, the feasts of SS Peter and Paul (bis
in this
codex), Mariae visitatio
and commune
. Quem dicunt homines esse ... ... in
morte non sunt separate. Euouae. Sacerdos noue gracie ... ...
uerusque sol detegitur. (an illegible rubric) sancta es uirgo sapiens ... effuso
nomen tuum ideo adolescentule dilexerunt ...
... non extingwetur in sempiternum. Euouae.
Fols. – originally empty. A
probatio pennae
and ownership markings have been added on fol.
(see below). Dominica XXI post
. Accingimini filii potentes ... Dominica uicesima secunda
... ... Dixit
autem dominus seruo .... Muro tuo inexpugnabili ... Magister scimus quia ...
Reddite ergo quae ... [C]onfide filia fides tua ...
...exaudi preces seruorum tuarum.Fols. –,
proprium de
, first Sunday in November, fourth Sunday after Epiphany(?), eighth
and ninth Sundays after Pentecost.Dominica prima nouembris sabbato precedente ad uesperas ad
. Vidi dominum sedentem super solium ...
Ascendente ihesu in nauiculam ... Dominica octaua post
]. Dixitque dauid ad dominum ... Attendite a
falsis prophetis ... octaua
. Aspice domine quia facta est
... eam nisi tu deus.Fols. –, additions (without notation): a
litany for Christmas, and office for St
(?). On the ownership mark added on fol.
see below. Primo tempore alleuiata est ... et in nouissimo ... in die
madian; tunc impletum est omnes --- / Nunc festum celebramus laudes ...
... per graciam deo. Amen.
Fol. –v, office for the Assumption.
Fol. 187–v,
proprium de sanctis
antiphons for Marian feasts.Paper
184 + 2 folios.
Modern foliation.
+ 1 + (VI–1)20
+ VI32
+ (VI–1+1)44
+ (VI + 1)56
+ (VI–1)67
+ V77
+ 3 + IV88
+ 4VI136
+ (IV–2)142
+ (VIII–1+1)157
+ (V–1+1)184
+ 2As the binding has not been opened, the structural analysis remains
Fol. 44 (measuring 12,5 × 10) is a later insertion; also an unnumbered
small leaf ([46
], 12,5 × 10) has been added between
fols. 46 and 47. The quires have been reinforced with recycled parchment strips.
Modern foliation in pencil in the upper right-hand corners of recto-sides. In
rather poor condition, stained and worn, with the leaves torn and frayed along
the edges. Fols. 78–80 and 180 are loose, and several more leaves seem to have
been loose and have been reattached to the end of the book before the foliation
was applied. Since most of the apparent irregularities of the quire structure do
not seem to be reflected as textual discontinuities, the present arrangement may
represent the manuscript’s original construction.When Gummerus (1910,
101) examined the manuscript, fol. 185 (which he mistakenly referred to as
184[bis]) was still between fols. 184 and the present 185 (former 186). The
original fol. 185 has since been pasted in after fol. 144 and numbered
tentatively as 142a, while fol. 186 has been renumbered as 185; the numbering of
fol. 187 has not been revised. The present fol. 185 belongs between fols. 2 and
3, and fol. 187
is clearly still misplaced.I. Milveden (1972, 19 n. 66)
dates the manuscript to the
(beginning of the) 1480s
the basis of watermark evidence.Layout varies; see above.
Several hands writing Gothic cursives of
saec. XV 4/4 – XVI 1/4
.Decadent square notation on four black lines by several
Strongly varied. For the most part (fols. 1–8, 10–19, 21–40, 45–76r, 77r–v, 89r–v,
185), two (or three) grades of initials: lombards (painted in red or pen-drawn and
coloured) for the beginnings of feasts or for the beginnings of chants, and two
sizes of (at times rather rough) pen-drawn intials, touched with red (orange), for
the beginnings of sentences or for the beginnings of individual feasts; rubrics at
times touched with red, mostly (if at all) distinguished by underlining or the
drawing of a box around them. Infrequently also clefs and the terminations of a
chant have been touched in red (e.g. fols. –,
–v). Other decorative styles with similar uses of red can be
found on fols. –,
– (and possibly also) 186; and another on
fols. –. There is also occasional use of green
(or possibly a blue that has turned green) on fols.
–, –,
, –.
There are also large undecorated or uncoloured sections, of different styles, at
fols. –, –
(with the exceptions of fol. , ),
–v, –,
, –,
–; a very distinct and for the most part
uncoloured style is found on fols. –,
–v, with pen-drawn initials with fat bulbous growths.
Apparently original full-leather binding, dark brown leather on wooden boards with
raised bands. The leather is badly worn, and is completely missing from the spine;
the front cover is loose. The volume has been closed with three clasps, which are
all now missing.
Pastedowns (the front pastedown is detached) are leaves from a Continental
of saec. XIV
(front: 21
× 11,5; back: 20,5 × 13; the written area is 7,5 cm wide). The back pastedown has
been partly covered by a paper label (9 × 16) on which is written a short text on
naming in baptism. An
copied at the end of the fifteenth and/or beginning of the sixteenth century
by several scribes.
The book was probably compiled and written over a long period of time, possibly
without much premeditation or any overarching plan – that much seems to be clear,
even allowing for the fact that the present arrangement of leaves is to some extent
the result of some confusion.In the late fifteenth or early sixteenth century the
book (or parts of it) was owned by the otherwise unknown
Laurentius Jacobi
, Henricus
and Jacobus Sigfridi
. Fol. : ‘homo alius ibi ... / probacio penne temptacio pulchre puelle / probate
et temptate ualete et orate’. In the same(?) hand of later struck
through: ‘Henricus iacobi possidens librum istum’. In another hand
(now erased): ‘Laurencius iacobi possidet istum lybrum’.Fol. : ‘Jacobus sigfridi bonus homo hoc est uerum absque ulla dubio’.
The book was found in the
early twentieth century
in the archives of Turku
Cathedral Chapter
; it might have arrived there c
. 1826
, when
the chapter requested that parishes in the diocese should send in their older
materials for examination. These materials were in some cases returned to the
parishes (this happened to the books from Tammela now in the library of Åbo
Akademi), but at least some remained and survived the great fire that destroyed much
of the city in 1827 (Schalin 1946, 6 n. 2
, cites the circulars of the chapter, no.
237 of 5 November 1828, and no. 264 of 20 June 1833, which indicate that several
manuscripts that had been sent to Turku as requested had not been collected and had
become disordered in the fire, and were now kept in the archbishop’s household).Cataloguer
Jesse Keskiaho
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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