Turku, Provincial Archives of Turku, von Gerdten suvun kokoelma, kansio n:o 2. Fragments of court records from Hollola and southern Finland (1564–1587)
Fragments of court records from Hollola
and southern Finland, mostly from 1564–1587.
and southern Finland, mostly from 1564–1587.
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XVI 2/2

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Provincial Archives of Turku
von Gerdten suvun kokoelma
Kansio n:o 2
Provincial Archives of Turku
von Gerdten suvun kokoelma
Kansio n:o 2
Southern Finland
Turku, Provincial Archives of Turku, von Gerdten suvun kokoelma, kansio n:o 2.
Fragments of court records from Hollola and southern Finland (1564–1587)
, southern
Fragments of
court records
from Hollola
and southern Finland
, mostly from 1564–1587
The fragments seem to have belonged to at least three
separate manuscripts.
I. Transcripts of medieval court records, 1465–1484 (copied in
saec. XVI
). One unnumbered leaf. First record
corresponds with FMU 3616
. One entry has been copied twice.II.
Court records
from Hauho
, 1564–1579
.1. Fols. 1–2: Two unnumbered and torn leaves containing court records from the
1560s and 1570s.
Fællis thesse Efterskreffne ...
2. Fols. 1–7:
Court records
from Hollola
and Nyby
. [Ann]o domini 64 thenn 6 februarij Stodh ... aff Asickala
[S]ochn ... ... han slogh per knuttzson ibidem.
3. Fol. 1:
Court records
from Asikkala
. One unnumbered leaf.4. Fol. 1:
Court records
from Tennilä
, Hollola
, Tuulos
?, 1570s
.5. Fols. –:
Court records
and Ylinen
, 1576
Fols. 1–3 are missing; several other numbers skipped/missing (see below).6. Fols. –:
Courts records
(imperf.). Fols. 1–3 are missing. Fols. 31, 35, 42, 51, 57,
71–81 are missing. Fol. 52 is a smaller slip entered before fol. 53; fol. 66 is a
small slip entered before fol. 67.III:
Court records
from southern Finland, 1585–1587
1. Fols. 1–30: Fragments from
court records
1585–1587, from sessions
presided over by Jören Boye
, Rautalampi
, Saarioinen
, Hattula
, Renko
, Lieto
, Piikkiö
, Sauvo
). Anno etc. 1585 Then 1--- hult jagh Jorenn Boye tyll siennäs –
wdhi Swdra finne lagsagw ... Hawghå sochn ... (several blank pages) ...
... wdi träthe(?) waridt haffuer.
2. Fols. 1–2: Fragments from
court records
of saec. XVII
Part I: 1 folios; part II.1–8: 2 + 7 + 1 + 1 +74 + 39 + 55 + 42 folios; part
III.1–2: 30 + 2 folios.
Part II: Some folders (II.5–8) show two sets of modern foliation: one in
the upper margin of the Japanese paper; another in the lower margin of each leaf’s
verso. Both foliations skip several leaves (in II.5 the foliation includes leaves
4–27, 30, 32–34, 36–41, 43–50, 52–56, 58–70, 82–94; in II.6, leaves 4–6, 26–43,
43a, 43b, 44, 44a, 45, 45a, 45b, 46–53, 54a, 54b, 55; in II.7, leaves 1–55; and in
II.8, leaves 1–3, 6–20, 23–28, 31–38, 41–49, 51). The second foliation shows
numbers ranging between 31 and 235. It does not proceed in sequence. The foliation
seems to be part of some work of reconstruction, which has tried to account for
lost leaves.
The collection contains fragments of at least three distinct
collections. The fragments in part II are closely related and one scribe is
mostly responsible for the writing, but they were not necessarily all bound
within the same covers. The collection contains both bifolia and singletons.
Most have been heavily conserved using Japanese paper.
II.5: fols. 14 and
15 are smaller slips entered before fol. 16. The text contains several
corrections and cancellations, which suggest it is a draft. II.6: leaves heavily
conserved. II.8: fol. 28 placed before fol. 41. Fol. 51 is badly
One column with a varying number of lines.
I: One hand writing a cursive of
. II.1–8: one main hand writing a cursive of
saec. XVI
. A few additional contemporary cursive hands supplied
shorter stints on the first leaves.III: three hands writing cursives of
saec. XVI
.No decoration.
Unbound fragments kept loose in modern folders or in modern bindings.
The collection has three main parts, which probably stem from different
sources. Part II can be connected to
Per Sigfriedsson Tandefelt
, who functioned as a
scribe and lagman
from the 1560s to 1580s. In several
instances the writing seems to have been done quickly, and on some leaves there is a
considerable quantity of cancellations, corrections and additions. The result has
the character of a draft rather than a fair copy.The court records are formed
of singletons and bifolia, which have been arranged into chronological order at the
archives. In uncertain cases, the page numbers have been marked with square
At least a part of the collection was kept at the manor of
at the
beginning of saec. XIX
. The manor had belonged to the Tandefelt
family but came to
the Gerdten
family through marriage. The fragments were donated to the Historical
Museum of Turku
in 1909
and was deposited in the Maakunta-arkisto
(Provincial Archives
) in 1934
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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