Stockholm, National Library, A 49. Nådendals klosterbook
Legends, spiritual texts, and prayers
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
I: Saec. XV 1/2; II: Saec. XV 2/2

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
Paper (flyleaves and fols. 125–126, 130 parchment)
National Library
A 49
National Library
A 49
Vadstena abbey
Naantali monastery
Stockholm, National Library, A 49. Nådendals
saec. XV
Vadstena abbey
; II: saec. XV
Legends, spiritual texts, and prayers
I: Legends
Hær børias sancti ansgarii hælgha lifwerne huilkom vi æghom
storlika thakkæ for thy han var thæn første som I danmark oc j swerike prædikadhe
oc lærdhe the hælgha thro.
Vaar hælghe fadher sanctus ansgarius ...
... Oc thom hælgha anda Amen. Hær ær
lyktadh sancti ansgarii hælgha lifwerne som i suerike oc danmark først prædikadhe
the hælgha tro. Thy bidhin for hanom som thætta skreff, Oc for hanom som theta
(fol. 62 is blank).suen
swænsko vænde, glømen ey hanom som idhir thet
sænde, thet thiggia the gerna i ihu xpri hedhir, the bidhia oc gerna fore allom
idhir Fols. –:
Legend of St Gregory of
(Legenden om Gregorius af Armenien
). Ed.
Kleming 1860, 259–325
.Hær six aff thæs helgha herrans pino sancti gregorii af armenia
huru han var pinadhir ok hwat vndirlikom thingom gudh giordhe meth hanom. Ok hans
hystoria biscriwas ok six i thessom syw bokom som hær fylgha epte. Ok byrias thy
swa førsta bokin.
Thet var j lanzskape the som Parthia hæter ...
... them helgha anda ee for vtan ænda Amen. Explicit hystoria sancti gregorii de Armenia.
(In the lower
margin: ‘Orate pro me t(?) Orate pro me’)Fols. –: . Ed.
honeste vite sancti Bernardi
Wieselgren 1866,
. The text is a translation of a Pseudo-Bernardine work.Incipit formula honeste vite sancti bernardi
Nota: Theta scref sanctus bærndardus enom sinom kloosterbrodher ok
eygh aat enast hanom enom vtan magnum andrum til kiænnedom
. O kiæraste
brodhir. Thu bedhis aff mik thet Jak aldrigh ... ... Akta
ensæmpnam gudh. Om vaar herra xpm Amen. Hær lykts høfwisks
lifwerne skipan ælla maata diktadh af sancto bernardo
. In lower margin:
‘nimis stricte secutus fui textum in hac translatione’ (108v blank apart from some
probationes pennae
).Fols. –: . Contains a draft of the text (fols.
–, –)
and the beginning of a transcribed version (fols.
–). The text of the draft is not in the
correct order, and there are several notes in the margins indicating which text is
to be placed where. Ed., in a reconstructed order, in
och Josapaths saga
Klemming 1887–1889,
.(Draft) [Ä]ptir wars helara ihu xpi pino ...
... wppelika oc ingin wet sin tima ...
barlam swaradhen utan jak uw røner ... sigha thic en liknilse aff ... (121v is
blank) ... Josapath saghde Min kær fadher sik mik thin ...
... the storlika oc lofwadho gudh for all thing, amen.
II: Leechbook, legends, prayers, and spiritual texts.
Fols. –:
Meditations on and prayers to
Christ and the Virgin Mary
. Ed. Geete 1904–1905, 349–378
Geete 1907–1909, 260, 274
. Ihu xpi oc hans ærofulla moodher iungru maria ...
... nw ok æ for uthan ændha Amen.
sancta suscipe, mentis in conclavi / verbis quibus veniam, totiens rogaui / Et
audito sepius, Ave tam suaui / Fac me quiso liberam, prorsus a ue gravi.
Fols. –:
(). Ed.
The story of the Seven Wise
/ Sju vise mästare
De septem sapientibus
Klemming 1887–1889, 175–218
.Hær byrias de septem sapientibus.
I Rom war en keisaren
fordhom daghum ... ... siælin belff thet star til gudh
Amen.Fols. –: ). Ed.
Legend of a monk who saw a
vision of paradise and purgatory
(Om en munk, som
fick skåda paradise och skärselden
Geete 1902,
.Fols. –:
for Jesus and
Maria. Ed. Geete 1907–1909, 83–87, 178–180, 176–178
–) and Klemming 1881–1882, 49–54,
(fols. 214–218); Kleming 1860, XXXI
).Hær byrias then fæmthan böner.
[O] søthe ihu xpe awerdelikin
søtme, jac helsar oc sighnar thic ... ... mina liff dhagha
Amen (followed by a protective litany attributed to Pope Thord
is mentioned).Fols. –:
Legend of a virgin who had a
vision on the journey back from Jerusalem
(imperf.). Ed. Geete 1902,
. Thet war en wælburin jungfru mykit digdelikan til gudz ...
... i synom sinnom oc til hoghen |
Fols. –: ) (imperf.)
On the Fifteen Places of
Relevance for the Passion
. (Om de 15 i Christi
pinohistoria märkliga ställen, dem jungfru Maria besökte under de 15 år hon
öfverlefde sönen
Fols. –:
Betraktelser och
. Ed. Geete 1907–1909, 357, 70–72
–). Geete 1900, 285–286
).Thetta æru san ødhmiukz tekn.
San ødhmiucht ær al tidh rædhas
gudh ... ... sin løn oc gudhz nadh. Jac
helsar thik sannan ihu likama ... vtan dagh fran dagh recte.On fol. : A prayer for St
: Vælsignadh vari thu sancta anna ... A note on St
: Nota in quidam littera
wlgari patrie ydiomate scripta a beata domina birgitta ... Jac birgitta birghis
dottor (ed. Klemming 1860, XXXIII
). (
instructions for penance
) Thessa puncta skal
klærkin spøria then siuka I soto sæng ... Item ær thet swa at thik kombir i hogh
(fol. 238 is blank).Germanus antisiodorensis archaepisocpus
. I then napnkunnogha
stadh som heter antisiodorus ... ... i iærnteknom oc æro Amen
( is blank).Fols. –: );
(). Ed.
Humble steps
(Ödhmiwktinna Trappo
fragments from Heinrich
’s Gudeliga snilles väckare
Horologium divinae sapientiae
Bergström 1868–1870, 449–460
. Nw ær mærkiande at tolf ærw ødhmiwktinna trappo ...
Fore paaska høgtiid naar ytarste naatward ...
(prayer) O ihu xpi liwaanda gudz brwdh ...
Gudeliga snilles väckare
) En sighir
gudhlik snille at hwilkin som vil ...
Af ondz oc godz reenliuismanz tekn.
Dylsk oc slio reenliwiis
mæniskia ...
At likna sik xpi pino
. Gudhlik snille saghde sinom känneswen
... af heluitis pinom.
Gudhlik snille
tedhe sinom kenneswen ... (Fol. 252 is added separately; it also handles the Christ’s crucifixion treated on
fol. 251 and 253.)
Legenda et vita sanctarum siue tam virginum quam mulierum de mense
Ianuaris Inchoabitur in Hoc quaternio. Ad laudens et gloriam vivientis in secula
. (a guide to the expansion of some
common abbreviations
; edited in Carlquist 2002, 83
) Then
theta skal læsa som j thesso quaternione scriwat ær ... oc spar mykit perman tha
theta til komber.
. Nokra digha ther æptir kom en storr høgtidhis ...
... sancte genouephe til ewerdelikit amine amen.
Passio sancte macre virginis
. I then tima ther the twe omille
kesara ... ... han swaris thet giordhe |Paper (flyleaves and fols. 125–126, 130 parchment)
i + 268 + i folios
14cm × 22cm
14cm × 22cm
Foliation in ink in the upper margin (1–268); fols. 109–169 also have
pagination in pencil in the lower margin. In the pagination, the draft has been
marked with arabic numbers, and the incomplete finalised version with roman
i + (VI–1)
+ 3VI47
+ (VIII–1)62
+ 4IV94
+ V104
+ II108
+ VI120
+ (V–1)130
+ II134
+ 2V154
+ IV162
+ II166
+ 1167
+ I169
; IV177
+ VI-1188
+ V198
+ VI210
+ IV218
+ (II–2)220
+ (VIII–1)235
+ (III–3)238
+ V248
+ (IV+1)257
+ 1258
+ V268
+ i.Fols. 167 and 252 are inserted later on. Several folia at the beginning
of the book have been damaged. Most folia are frayed around the edges and
occasionally torn. The paper is dirtied in several places.
Number of lines varies between different parts; one column,
usually ruled (various methods of ruling). In part I prickings are often visible
in the margins.
The book has several (up to fourteen) hands of
saec. XV
writing different levels of gothic cursive. In part I
there are at least two hands that have been connected with brothers of
Vadstena abbey
. Fols. 1–62 and 109–169 are (mostly) written
by one hand that has been identified as both Olaus
and Johannes Hildebrandi
(Thorén 1942, 176–184
; Henning 1960, 154–157
Ståhl 1998, 38–39
). Fols. 63–108 are written by one hand;
Klockars (1979, 83–84)
has suggested that the scribe could be the
Vadstena brother Thörnerus Andreae
. The
identification is based on the sign, appearing after a prayer request, that has been
interpreted as the letter ‘t’ (fol. ).In part II there are several other hands that have not yet been identified.
Geete (1904–1905, XIX)
suggests the manuscript may have been taken
back to Vadstena at some point to be completed, but this does not seem likely.Fol. : the protective litany mentions the name
: ‘libera me famulum tuum thordonem ab omnibus hiis
peccatis Amen’.In part I, apart from the draft, rubrics and simple lombardic initials in red;
often also emphasis of majuscules in red. In the second part of the book the
decoration and its execution varies from section to section. Occasionally there are
lombards and rubrics in red, occasionally there is no decoration at all.
Wooden boards with plain brown leather covers. The spine has been rebacked. A
strap-and-pin clasp was attached to the edge of the front cover with the pin at the
center of the back board. Parchment leaves from an English psalter of
saec. XII
pasted to the front and back covers (see Bolton – Hedström 2012
); the leaves are
still present but have come loose.The manuscript includes a compilation of texts written during
saec. XV
presumably in two separate places. The first part of the book (fols. 1–169) was
written at Vadstena abbey
during the first half of saec. XV
and donated to the monastery
at Naantali
– presumably in 1442
with the arrival from Vadstena of Brother
Laurentius Haquini
who is named in the text. The second part of the book contains
various sections most likely written in Naantali
during the second half of saec. XV
. That the latter part of the book
was composed from different independent collections of text also seems to be
supported by the fact that there are ownership markings on several folia (,
and ). The differences can also be seen in the structure of the manuscript,
which becomes very heterogeneous after the first part. The second part exhibits a
large number of hands writing their own, often short, texts.The book belonged to the
Birgittine monastery of Naantali
. The first part of the
book arrived from Vadstena, presumably in 1442
with Vadstena brother Laurentius
Haquini; fol. , upper margin: ‘Nadendals closterbok medh brodher laurens
haquini’; fol. , upper margin: ‘Nadhendals closters book’; fol. , upper
margin: ‘Nadhendals clostersbok’.First parchment flyleaf verso
: ‘Syster
cristin härmannszdottor äghir mik ok hon nyttar mik ille’. The text refers to
Christina Hermansdotter
who entered Vadstena abbey in 1392 and lived there until her
death in 1454. It is uncertain whether the ownership marking is connected with the
texts contained in the first section of the manuscript or whether it refers to
something else (Bolton – Hedström 2012, 293
).After the monastery was closed, the book came to
where it was found by Elias
in Turku Cathedral and brought in 1671
to the Archive of Antiquities
. On the first flyleaf verso there is a note stating that the book was lent
to Uppsala
, from where it was returned – after more than 30 years – to Stockholm in
. The shelf-mark of the National Library of Sweden
is on the inside of the front cover and
the stamp of library on the recto side of the first flyleaf.Cataloguer
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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