Stockholm, National Library, A 57. Codex Cederhielmianus
Synodal acts; statutes from Turku diocese; an abridgement of Ars notaria of Solomon.
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XV ex. - XVI in.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
National Library
A 57
National Library
A 57
Stockholm, National Library, A 57. Codex
Saec. XV ex. – XVI in.
A composite manuscript which consists of three different parts and
codicological units. The first part contains extracts from .
synodal acts
given in the church province of Uppsala
. Second part contains
from Turku
diocese and the third part
consists of an abridgement of Ars notaria of Solomon and
The synodal acts and Turku statutes are edited in
.Reuterdahl 1841
Fols. a–b: Flyleaves, with a provenance note (fol.
) and a headline on fol.
: ‘Statuta episcoporum Regni Sveciae eller Åtskillige Sweriges
Biskopars Stadger och kyrkieordningar.’I:
Incipiunt constituciones Gregorii.
Zelus domus dei ac
animarum pericula ...
... ad synodum ut
puta minuciorem medicinam et huiusmodi.
Statuta cum Episcopi Sabinensis apostolica sedis legati.
Dilectis in xpristo …
... Datum in
lincopensis dyocesis Anno domini 1248 kalendas Marcii.Statutum telgense anno domini mcdlxxx.
In nomine domini amen
Idcirco rigor …
... Sub Anno domini
mccccclxxx xi die mensis septembrisArbugensis.
Noverint Universis quorum intereste seu …
... semel vel pluries coram curatis in
contracta prepositure sue legatFols. –: Synodal acts of
Council of 1412
(slightly abridged from
the version edited in Reuterdahl 1841
).Statuta concilii Arbugensis Anno domini 1412
In nomine domini ameno
. …
Quibus supra vel millesimo quadragesimo duodecimo.
Fols. –: Synodal acts of
Council of 1417
(slightly abridged from
the version edited in Reuterdahl 1841
).Statuta concilii Arbogensis.
In nomine domini amen…
... Datum Anno die et loco supra vel Anno domini 1423Fols. –: Synold acts of
council in 1423
(slightly abridged from
the version edited in Reuterdahl 1841
).Statuta Concilii Arbugensis Anno 1423.
In nomine domine
amen …
Sigillum nostram decresimus
appendenda presentibus.
Fols. –: Synodal acts of
Council of 1474
(slightly abridged from
the version edited in Reuterdahl 1841
).Statuta arbugensis reverendissimi patris domini jacobi
archiepiscopi upsalensis …
gravibus dyspensandi ut
possint in priori nuptias celebrare.
(Fols. – are blank. Fol.
contains a note on how
can be accepted in different
months of the year.)II:
In nomine domini amen
. Pernecessarius litterarum usus
tanto …
... obtenta aliquem librum
chori quasimodo deportare presumat sub pena dimidie marce etc.officium custodis ecclesie aboensis.
Tha klokkare wolder är
bör ... ... item bör honom oc klädha och
affklädha etc. ut prius patuit. (On fol. a
note concerning payments made by electus
Olavus Magni
to the Holy See; ed. FMU
.)statuta synodalia clerum aboensem respiciencia condita anno domini
. Quia qui religionem intrauerunt mo
sine speciali nostra vel nostri capituli licencia sub pena xi
ii + 63 folios (two 18th-century flyleaves at the beginning of the
15cm × 22cm
15cm × 22cm
Foliation in arabic numerals with ink.
; VI12
; VI34
; (VII–1)63
.Different paper has been used in each unit; in I, watermark is an
bull´s head
; in II, watermark is an
unidentfied letter P
; and in III, watermark is an
unidentfied bull´s head
. Tracing and analyzing of the
watermarks is challenging since they occur in the fold of the manuscript. Based on
the typological similarities it is possible to say that the paper in unit II dates
probably to 1480–1500s
.One column, ruling with ink.
Littera Gothica Cursiva; each unit is copied by a different scribe.
A tacketed limp parchment binding; the used parchment is a fragment from a
12th century
(?) missale.Codex Cederhielmianus
is thought to be the only
concrete relic of the reform enacted by the dean and chapter of Turku
cathedral in
. It is a composite manuscript formed of three parts, and the only source by
which the statutes of Turku
diocese have survived. The last part contains a rather
obscure theurgical text with little obvious relation to the other parts. The
manuscript is difficult to date accurately because the watermarks give only a little
help. But on the basis of the content and the script it would be a safe assumption
that A 57 was written in
at the end of the 15th or beginning of the 16th
.According to an inscription on the first flyleaf, the antiquary and
G. G. Cederhielm
(1661–1741), donated the manuscript to the
Swedish Royal Archive of Antiquities
) on 20 August 1728
: 'Anno 1728 den 20 August war iag
ute på Lindholmen hos hans Excellentz G. G. Cederhielm, då hogbemeltte excellentz
förärade denna bok til Kongelige Antiquitets Archivum'. In 1780
, books from the archives were moved to the National Library of Sweden
Maria Kallio
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Creative Commons BY 4.0