Stockholm, National Library, D 358. Annalistic notes
Annalistic notes concerning Sweden and especially Finland
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Saec. XVI 2/2 (1566-1568?)

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Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
Paper (parchment covers)
National Library
D 358
National Library
D 358
Stockholm, National Library, D 358. Annalistic notes
Saec. XVI
?), Finland
?Annalistic notes
concerning Sweden
especially Finland
Heininen 1989, 99–103
.Inner front cover: A poem on the fall of virtues, in
hand as the rest of the MS). Ed. Heininen 1989, 39
.‘Iustitia är slaghen dödh, Charitas ligger i sin största nöd ... Furtum strenger
sig in medh stoort stååt, Veritas clagar sig medh underlig lååt.’
–v: Annalistic notes
in Latin
Not numbered. Ed. Heininen 1989, 99
Anno domini. 840 Sanctus Ansgarius predicavit in Swecia ...
1460. Obiit dominus Magnus Episcopus aboensis.Anno domini. 1. 1151.
Bleff sancte Henrich slaghen udi Kiula
... ... (by another hand) Affsomnade Salig her Göstaff Fincke
på gesterby och bleff begraffen Sancte Catherine dagh i Kimiti Kirkio.Fol. –:
Thematical index
to each
annalistic note referring to the number of note and to the folium. Index. Åbo stadh affbrentt. Först.
Genom Rydzerne 4, 1.
Genom wådhaeeldh
7, 1 ...
Södhermalm bran I Stockholm 43, 10.
Inner back cover
: A table counting how many years fall between
and the individual annalistic notes (number of the note in blue
and number of years in red).Paper (parchment covers)
19 folios.
7,5cm × 10cm (4,5cm × 6,5cm)
7,5cm × 10cm (4,5cm × 6,5cm)
Original foliation in red ink starting from the second paper leaf and
ending before the index (1–12).
I((VI–1) + III)
The manuscript is in good condition.
15 lines in one column ruled with
One main hand writing a high quality cursive of
saec. XVI
The years are marked in red, the title ‘Anno domini’ and numbers of the notes are
in blue. Apart from this there is no decoration.
Bound in limp parchment covers. The back cover has been so cut to produce a tag
that was inserted for closure into a slit cut in the front cover.
The manuscript consists of a very small quire bound in parchment. The size
suggests it was a personal notebook, albeit one written with considerable care and
skill. The notes on fols. 1–12 have been separately numbered in blue and are
referred to in the index by both folia number (in red) and this marking number (in
blue). The first leaf containing unnumbered annalistic notes in Latin is not
included in the index. These Latin notes were probably added later on, although they
are written by the same hand as the rest of the text. The final note on fol.
is added by another hand and left unnumbered.
A possible
tempus post quem
is provided by the last annal, for
November 1566
. But this note is in a different hand than the rest of
the manuscript. Since one note still mentions Erik
as king, the work was probably written before his deposition in
the autumn of 1568
. The table on the inner back cover suggests that the
manuscript was written in 1566
at the latest. Since the last note
concerning 1566
is by another hand, the manuscript may indeed have been
written already in 1565
. Several notes concern
and Turku
. It seems likely
that the manuscript was written in that area.More interest is shown towards the nobility than to church affairs, perhaps
suggesting that the owner was a layman. This is also suggested by the fact that this
manuscript may have served as a source for .
Klaus Hermansson Fleming
(d. 1616) in
composing his Memoriale chronicum
There is no information for how the manuscript came to the
National Library of Sweden
; On the back cover in ink ‘31’. The front cover has a pasted paper with
the modern shelf-mark of the National Library written on it.Cataloguer
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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