Stockholm, National Library, D 409. Olaus Petri, En Swensk Cröneka
Olaus Petri, En Swensk Cröneka.
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici

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Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Reproduktion: Andrea Davis Kronlund, Kungliga biblioteket
Concerning all other rights see Terms of Use.
National Library
D 409
National Library
D 409
Stockholm, National Library, D 409. Olaus Petri, En Swensk
, Turku
? Olaus Petri
, En
Swensk Cröneka
Pp. . Ed.
: Olaus
, En Swensk Cröneka
J. Sahlgren,
. The manuscript abridges the
text of the prologue and is missing some of the main text, for example, the sections
on St Olavus Petri, En Swensk Cröneka
, Uppsala
1917, 1–15, 17–44, 46–112, 113–114, 116–298Birgitta
’s advice to King Magnus Eriksson
. On the different versions of the text, see
Westin 1946
Allom them som thenne Cröniko lesandhe eller hörande varda önskar
Jagh Olaus Petri predicare I Stockholm sanhetenes kundskap.
Gudh som altingh
haffuer skapat… [16]
…såm wij hörande wärdhe, och theta alz som nw
sackt är, må wära till then Crönicko som wij nw aff gudz begynna vilie. En Swensk Crönicka Anno 1551.
Här begynnas then Swenske Crönickan.
[T]hen första konungh
såm wåra… [357]
… kastar theta rijsit I eldhen. (pp.
are blank.)Paper
181 folios (358 + 4 pages).
19,5cm × 30,5cm (13-13,5cm × 25cm)
19,5cm × 30,5cm (13-13,5cm × 25cm)
Pagination on the recto sides in pencil.
+ 2VI72
+ IX108
+ 2VI156
+ VII184
+ VI208
+ IV224
+ (VI–1)246
+ 2VI294
+ VIII326
+ IV342
+ (V–1)358
Reclamants in the lower margin on the last leaf of the quire (pp.
, 48
, 72
, 108
, 156
, 184
, 224
, 246
, 270
, 326
, 342
), and on pp.
and 226
.There are lingula visible after pp.
and 342
, but no text is missing.
Some leaves show damage due to smoke or water, but in general the manuscript is in
good condition.c
. 35–40 lines in one unruled
column.One main hand writing a cursive dated on p.
to 1551
Walde (1921, 238)
suggests that the main hand was that of Bishop
Mikael Agricola
(d. 1557).On pp.
possibly another hand writing in a
similar, but smaller script. Notes on the contents added in the margins by a few
other hands. On p. 324
a lengthier addition by a slightly younger
hand.Majuscules at the beginnings of sentences and occasional elongation of the letters
at the bottom of the page. No other decoration.
Wooden boards covered with dark brown leather. Decorated with blind tooling
(fillets forming frames, with small tools showing flowers and vines). On the upper
front cover blind-tooled fillets form the letter ‘M’. Two hook-clasps have been
attached to the edge of the back covers. Their catches, also decorated, remain
in situ
at the edge of the front cover. Sections of the board’s
edges have been bevelled to produce a decorative effect. Pastedowns of paper. A
pasted label with the shelf-mark of the National Library on the front cover.The book includes two dates:
on p. 16
and 1 July 1552
in Turku
in the
dedication on the inside front cover. The first date may refer only to the writing
of the prologue, which would mean that it took the scribe at least half a year to
finish the manuscript. It may also be that the date 1551
was added later and the
second date only refers to the dedication. The manuscript is written by a skilled
scribe writing in a neat cursive hand. It has been suggested the scribe was the
bishop of Turku, Mikael Agricola
(d. 1557), who also wrote the dedication to Anna
(d. 1590), a noblewoman and landowner in the diocese.Inside front cover: dedication of
in Turku
to Anna Hogenskild
‘Thenne Boock hörer frw Anna till, om nogher ther om frågha will; Clemitzdotter till
Acheröö from oc karsk som en degli möö. Huilken som thenna Boock bortstiell, fari
han illa til Liff oc Siell. Scriffuit oc giordh I Abo stadh, gud warj Oss allom mild
oc gladh. ANNO 1552 Julij j’. According to Parvio (1968, 25–26)
the dedication is in
the hand of Mikael Agricola
.Two proverbs in
are written on the inside
of the back cover in a hand of saec. XVI
.The manuscript may have come into the collections of Anna’s son,
Hogenskild Bielke
(1538–1605), and possibly belonged to the donation of books made to the National
Library of Sweden
and University Library in Uppsala
in 1621
by King Gustav II Adolf
(Walde 1921, 263–264
).Shelf-mark of the National Library ‘D 409’ on the
pasted label attached to the front cover and written in ink on the inside of the
front cover.Cataloguer
Ville Walta
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
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