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Helsinki, National Library, A.ö.II.41. ‘Graduale Uskelense’


I: Graduale after the use of the diocese of
Turku; II: a Lutheran liturgical miscellany


Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici


1518; 1586
I: 1518; II: 1586



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National Library


Diocese of Turku

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Helsinki, National Library, A.ö.II.41. ‘Graduale Uskelense’
diocese of Turku
saec. XVI 1/3–2/3
); II:
after the use of the
diocese of Turku
The sanctoral cycle follows the use of the
diocese of Turku
, including all the simplex and higher grade feasts. St
’s feasts are on fols. - and - (see further
Malin 1925, 131
Fol. , scribe’s colophon in Leonine hexameters.
Anno Milleno quingenteno quoque deno / octauo dante sancto quoque pneumate flante / librum subscriptus hunc scripsit tunc benedictus. / hic cuius finis. sit laus et Gloria trinis.
There is a partly erroneous transcription of
immediately below, with corrections in another hand.
Fol. is blank.
Fol. originally blank, now with ownership markings etc. (see below).
Fol. is blank.
Fols. -,
proprium de tempore
, from the First Sunday in Advent to Septuagesima Sunday (imperf.), a fragment of the offices for Quinquagesima and Quadragesima Sundays, from the end of the Third Sunday in Lent to Trinity, from the end of the Third Sunday after Trinity to the Sixth, and from the end of the Eighth Sunday after Trinity to the Thirteenth.
Dominica prima aduentus officium misse
. Ad te leuaui animam meam …Vias tuas domine notas fac [mi] ( and are blank) chi est semitas tuas... ... et psallere nomini tu | | Israel et ioseph.
... ...
Dominica quadragesime officium
. Inuocauit me et ego ... Responsorium. Angelis suis | leuaui animam meam deus meus ... ...
Dominica quarta in quadragesima officium
. Letare iherusalem et ... ... uocem suam et apparu- (fols. and are blank) erunt fontes aquae. Alleluya ... ... sodales fac sanctorum ciuium. Amen. ...
Dominica prima post trinitatem officium
| | et laborem meum et dimitte ... ... exaudi uerba mea.
Dominica quarta officium
. Dominus illuminatio mea ... ... Conuertere domine aliquantulum et depre- (fols. and are blank) care super seruos .... et psalmum dicam domino.
Dominica septima officium
| | plena est dextera tua ... ... beatus uir qui sperat in eo.
Dominica nona officium
. Ecce deus adiuuat ... ... ne obliuiscaris in finem.
. ( are blank) Exurge domine et iudica ... ...
. Ad annunciandum mane mi- (fols. are blank) sericordiam tuam et ... ...
. Confitemini domino et inuoca- (fols. are blank) te omen eius ... ... in os meum ut placeant uer- (fols. are blank) ba mea in conspectu ... ... domine exaudi oracionem meam.
. (fols. are blank) Amen dico uobis ... et fiet uobis.
Fols. , office for the dedication of a church.
Terribililis est locus iste hic domus ...
Tempore resurrectionis
. Allelu|
Fols. -,
proprium de sanctis
, from St
to the common of all faithful departed (imperf.) and from that to the feast of St
Michi autem nimis honorati sunt ... populi confitebuntur tibi (fols. are blank) Alleluya.
. Dilexit andream ... ...
Sancti Nicolai confessoris officium
. Statuit ei dominus testamentum ... ut sit illi sacerdo- (fol. is blank, fol. 86 has the same contents as fols. from
. Emulor
illi sacerdo
) cii dignitas in eternum ... ... posuisti in capite eius coronam (fols. are blank) de lapide precioso ... ... Versus. Fulgebunt iusti et (fols. 143v–144r are blank) tamquam scintille ... ... uaria inlucet claritas (fols. are blank) sic insurrectio. Vetus homo ... ... dona eis domi- (fols. are blank) ne et lux perpetua ... Versus. Et lucis eterne beati tu| |as in lucem sanctam ... Mors stupescit et natura (fols. are blank) dum resurget creatum ... ... sibi gloriatur addi (fols. are blank) sydus aurum. Virgo ... iniquitatis odio habui.
Fols. -, the annual cycle of Marian offices and
ordinarium missae
In commemoracione beate marie uirginis in aduentu officium Rorate celi
. Insole posuit tabernaculum ... pacem deus reddi- (fols. 161v–162r are blank) dit in se reconcilians ... ... qui tollis peccata mundi (there is an unnumbered additional leaf bound between fols. 162 and 163, which seems to have been glued over the last two lines of this folio: it has ‘[f]ili marie unigenite ... uirginis qui tollis’, from which text on fol. continues. Fols. are blank) peccata mundi suscipe ... ... uelut rosa uel lilium funde preces (fols. are blank) ad filium pro salute fidelium ... ... mundi suscipe deprecationem (fols. are blank) nostram. Qui sedes ad dexteram ... ... Adoramus te Glorificamus te (fols. are blank) Gratias agimus te ... ... pleni sunt celi et terra (fols. are blank) Gloria tua. Osanna in excelsis ... ... Benedictus qui uenit in (fols. are blank) nomine domini. Osanna in excelsis ... ... uitam future seculi. Amen.
Fols. ,
Letabundus exultet fidelium chorus ... amen dicat omnis homo.
Fols. , originally blank, now with added hymns for Corpus Christi(?) and a Kyrie melody for a Marian feast.
Sanctus hic in carnem transit panis corpus christi ... dona nobis pacem. Ihesus christus nostra salus [without notation and in a different hand] ... due nobis ubi lux est eua. (in yet another hand) Kyrie uirginitatis amator inclite patri et creator ... laudes maria eleyson.
On fol. an addition in a hand of
saec. XVI
, ‘Alexander Philetus himeneus ... 34 mortuus fuit’. A hand of
saec. XIX
has written an erroneous transcription of the addition immediately below, and another hand has noted, in pencil, ‘orätt!’.
On fol. in a hand of
saec. XVIII
or XIX
is ‘Ranunculus acris’ (meadow buttercup).
The sanctoral cycle follows the use of the
diocese of Turku
, including all the
and higher grade feasts. St
’s feasts are on fols. and (see further
Malin 1925, 131
II: fols. I–VII,
a Lutheran liturgical miscellany
, Pentecost and the Common of the Apostles and of the Evangelists, and
Venite exultemus
in two tones.
Veni sancte spiritus ...
... et baptizatus fuerit saluus erit. Alleluya.
In diebus apostolorum et Euangelistarum Historia
. Estote fortes in bello ...
... duodecim tribus Izrael dicit Dominus, Magnificat. Venite exultemus Domino ...
... in requiem meam
am. Gloria patri et filio ... in secula seculorum, Amen.
, hymns in
, and
O Jumala sinua me kijtämme
Te Deum
) and
O Jumal sinua kijtäm
Te Deum
, rhymed), both after
Jacobus Finno
(nos. 4 and 5; see
Kurvinen 1929, 256
Te Deum Laudamus in finnonicum idiomatum translatum, et denuo a uiro Erudenti nec non Reuerendissimo Jacobo Petri F. correctum
. Oo Jumala sinua me kijtämme ... .
... häpiän ala tulla. O Jumal sinua Kijtäm ...
... häpiästh pälläm tuota. AMEN.
Written by the scribe on fol.
within an initial: ‘Zacharias Simonis Zatrius(?) Uschelensis 1586’; see also fol.
, likewise within an initial: ‘W Z S’.
190 fols.
19,5cm × 27,5-28,5cm (14,5-16,5cm × 20-27,5cm)
In part I the openings of the manuscript (fols. 3–165) have original numbering in two separate series for the
de tempore
(A I–G VIII) and the
de sanctis
(A I–G II) sections. Modern foliation in pencil runs throughout the manuscript in the upper-right-hand corners of recto-sides.
+ 182 + (IV–1)
In part I, many openings were glued together by the original scribe, at least in part to cover mistakes. The openings have since been opened, and have been included in the modern foliation. Part I is missing leaves after fols. 17, 18, 53, 58, and 152. Part II is missing one leaf, probably its first. Folia throughout the book have been heavily restored, with reinforcing paper pasted along the outer edges of folia; also the binding has been reinforced. While fols. I–II in part II have been trimmed both in their upper and lower margins to match the size of fols. 1–190, the lower margins of fols. III–VII have been folded.
In part I, text and notation on eight lines in one column, ruled in ink; in part II, text and notation on fourteen lines in one column (fifteen lines in two columns on fols. VIv–VIIv).
Part I: one main scribe writing in Gothic Hybrida. He identifies himself as
on fol. . At least three additional hands.
Part II: One scribe writing
saec. XVI
minuscule. He identifies himself on fol.
within an initial: ‘
Zacharias Simonis Zatrius(?) Uschelensis
’. Presumably he was a chaplain of the church in Uskela.
Decadent square notation on four black lines.
Part I: Red lombards (occasionally decorated with floral patterns) for the beginnings of feasts, pen-drawn initials (touched with red) for the beginnings of chants. Rubrication.
Part I: completely monochromatic, with pen-drawn decorated lombards for the beginnings of feasts / sections. Gothic majuscules for the initials of chants on fols.
but not on fols.
Modern full (fake) leather binding. When
Malin (1925, 130)
examined the manuscript it was still bound in ‘Original-Lederband, mit Holzdeckel (Eiche)’.
Part I is a
following the use of the
diocese of Turku
, prepared
entirely by the scribe who identifies himself as
in the verses on fol. 1r. I:
ca. 1518
; II:
Very soon after it was written the book belonged to the
chapel of
parish. Part II is a Lutheran liturgical miscellany copied by the otherwise unknown
Zacharias Simonis of Uskela
. The parts thus have a similar provenance, but it is not clear when they were united in a single volume. The size of the leaves of part II suggests that they were probably originally bound separately from part I.
Fol. :
saec. XVI 1/2
‘Liber Ecclesie Sancti Bartholome Uskela’, and a later transcription in pencil. Also a note in ink by the chaplain of
, dated in
June 1824
Inside the front cover the blue stamp of the University of Helsinki Library’s (
National Library of Finland
) manuscript department.
Aarno Malin,
Der Heiligenkalender Finnlands. Seine Zusammnesetzung und Entwicklung
, (Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran toimituksia 20), Helsingfors 1925, 130-131.
Olav D. Schalin,
Kulthistoriska studier till belysande av reformationens genomförande i Finland
, vol. 1, Helsingfors 1946, 9.
Ilkka Taitto,
Documenta Gregoriana. Latinalaisen kirkkolaulun lähteitä Suomessa
, Helsinki 1992, 413-415.
Jesse Keskiaho
Finnish Literature Society (SKS)
Codices Fennici
Creative Commons BY 4.0